Tuesday, August 11, 2009

to thine own self be true

To thine own self be true...
I thought of this today, last night actually... after pondering what I wrote about letting our guards down... (for those of us who have been hurt, and tend to put up a guard around people to try to avoid being hurt more).
I spent a good half hour earlier today writing a really nice message, but it somehow got lost during a saving and a publishing... so I am going to have to rewrite it... and I thought to the LORD, and prayed, because I was a little upset about losing it, but I prayed and said, maybe there's a reason He didn't want it to be published, maybe I need to change something or add something, and I do... so here goes:

To thine own self be true. That's a quote from a fiction(not-true) story by William Shakespeare, but we can apply it to real life, and it speaks a great volume about our relationships with ourselves, and with others.
What does it mean, "be true"?
Well, what is truth?
Truth is pure to itself...and it's followers.
Truth does not deny itself.
Truth is honest with itself.
I looked up "true" in the merriam-webster online dictionary...
the first word under it's definition is "steadfast"
I once wanted to get the word "steadfast" tattooed on my body... because the meaning of the word is very powerful. I was going to get it in Hebrew, because in the Hebrew, the term "steadfast" has more depth than just "always there".
In Hebrew, it means faithful, truth, honest, loyal.
In other words, Real. unwavering.
there is a great strength in that word.

Being real has always been something I strive to be.
But sometimes in life, it can be difficult, painful or embarrassing to be real- even with ourselves.
That is where we have to decide if we are going to let God have our hearts, and to let Him have His way.
That is often a place where we either humble ourselves or puff ourselves up. I have struggled with pride for a long time. Because I have been hurt badly, by a lot of close people in my life. And I had built walls around me- walls around my heart, walls around my life. But I deeply long for intimacy, for truth, for freedom to be myself without having to "be" somebody else, or something I'm not. And in order to do that, I've had to (first seek God like crazy!), and then, pray like everyday for the LORD to make me humble enough to realize that I am not "all that " ( and a bag of chips as some would say)- but realize that it's all about the Love of God for His people. And He knows the desires of my heart-- one of them being that I want to be myself and be accepted for who I am. To let my guard down... and... discover who I am... to bear my heart with all I am. Because it's all for God--- and I love Him and all I want is to glorify Him-. Another thing He has shown me, is that no matter who comes in my life- He Alone is still and always will be the LORD of my life. I belong to God- and He belongs to me. Therefore, my value and worth in God's sight cannot and will not be judged or altered by what another person wants to think or say about me. I am approved by God, accepted by God, and loved by God- all through His glorious Son , Jesus Christ. He alone is Worthy of all my Praise!

It's one way or the other. There is no in between. And then there's God.

You may get puffed up- but deep down, you wish you were humble- down-to-earth, and at peace with your self, so that you could relate to others and trust them.
But trusting people is a challenge to people who have trusted and been crushed by it.
So I have had to learn, to judge people by thier fruits- Jesus tells us to do so- He said "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheeps clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves".
My Pastor once said- "Everyone that smiles at you ain't always your friends- every one that seems nice to you ain't always your friend..."
Proverbs says,
"Wounds from a friend are faithful, but kisses from an enemy are decietful"
I used to worry What if I kiss someone I love, does that mean I am trying to decieve!
It doesn't butwhat it means is if someone is willing to tell you the truth you may be hurt by it- but they do it in love, because it's for your best intrest....but people can butter you up and kisskiss up on you and then you think you are so "loved" or so "special" and then they can get anything from you or cause you to fall....
so we have to be willing to pray and to use righteous judgement.
If there is someone in Christ who you see, and you judge- I think if we look at a person and judge thier actions it should be to gain knowledge- and if they are not righteous we should pray for thier restoration, not condemn them.
If they are NOT in Christ, then we should avoid them according to the Bible.
1 John talks all about this...
I'm not sure why this message went this way... I had written something totally different earlier...
About being true to thine own self- no matter what other people say or do or think....
but I guess this is what needed to be said, instead!
Being real- is a willingness to look in a mirror and see everything that's there-
it's being willing to tell God everything that you're dealing with - even if you can't express it- or find exactly what you're trying to say.... because it's all about Him anyways- and He already knows what's in our hearts- He just wants a people who is willing to settle down, focus on Him- and deal with the Truth.

Not everyone's gonna love you.
Not everyone's gonna like you.
But God loves you- and He accepts you just for who you are.
You don't need anyone's approval but the Lord's.
You don't have to do a thing to be loved.....
God loves you no mater what.
You don't have to be a certain way- or accomplish any big thing to be acceptable to God- in other words- in Bible terms- it isn't about "works", but it's about faith, and faith works by love. God loves you so much more than you can even imagine..... and He will always, always love you.
In Jesus' name. amen.