Wednesday, August 19, 2009

From Kim Potter Ministries


This morning as I was praying for some of our partners, I began to declare that a new day was dawning - a couple hours later one of our partners sent me this prophecy - I want to share it with you today.

Prophetic word of the Lord given by Dr. Mark Chironna on Sunday, July 26, 2009 at The Master's Touch International Church in Longwood, Florida:
For there have been days of sadness and sorrow. For some, there have been days of strange warfare. For others, there have been days of taking thoughts captive that never entered the minds of sons before. For some, there have been deep longings. For others, there have been deep yearnings. For some, there have been long seasons of silence. For others, there have been long seasons of pleading.
But for all, there is coming a dawning. There is coming a breaking through. There is coming a rising. There is coming an opening. For the eyes of the Lord are turned toward His sons, His daughters, His children, and He sees and knows and is intimately acquainted with the sufferings and the tests and the endurances that His people have been going through.
He will make His people a praise in this season. He will make His people a glory in this hour. For His affection is upon His people. His Church is His Beloved. His Church is His Bride. He will not forsake her. He will not disown her. For He now is revealing, through the tests of the sons and daughters of God, to principalities and powers, His manifold glory.
This season has not been for naught. This season has not been to wear you out. This season has not been to tear you down. This season has been to prove and manifest to the forces of darkness that the Church cannot be hindered; the Church cannot be stopped, and the Church cannot be thwarted for she will rise in this hour with greatness and glory. She will have weapons on the left and on the right. She will have dominion in arenas she never had dominion before. And God will make her young again.
For hear now what the Spirit of Grace would say to those who have ears to hear: "I am making you young again. I am going to restore the seasons of loss. I am going to restore the seasons of denial. I am going to restore the seasons of betrayal. I am going to restore the seasons of strife, and when I restore them, and it will be in yet a little while, I will turn the captivity of My people and there will be laughter again in Zion. There will be joy again in Zion.
"I have seen the sacrifice of praise that has gone up from the ends of the earth. I have seen My people, who in the midst of their warfare, have lifted their hands high and have shouted the shout of victory even while the powers of darkness have seemed to prevail over their minds, hearts and spirits. Yet, even in the face of demons, My people still praise. Even in the face of dark forces, My people still rejoice. Now watch, for I am about to crush satan under your feet."