Why is sin so hard to deal with sometimes? Shame. When we sin, we hide it from our friends, family, God, ourselves- we hate it... we hate sin.... we don't want to look at it... we don't like the way it makes us feel, we don't like what it does to our lives... so we bury it in our selves and become ashamed of what we have done...
But Jesus came so that we might lay hold of what He came for- Forgivenes of sin. He takes our sins (as we confess them to Him and give over our lives to Him) and He nailed them to the Cross- in Himself- to set us free!
There is nothing better than that, my Friends!
Aren't you glad about that, today??!!
I am!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Sin and Shame
Posted by i angel at 23.8.09 0 comments
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
From Kim Potter Ministries
This morning as I was praying for some of our partners, I began to declare that a new day was dawning - a couple hours later one of our partners sent me this prophecy - I want to share it with you today.
Prophetic word of the Lord given by Dr. Mark Chironna on Sunday, July 26, 2009 at The Master's Touch International Church in Longwood, Florida:
For there have been days of sadness and sorrow. For some, there have been days of strange warfare. For others, there have been days of taking thoughts captive that never entered the minds of sons before. For some, there have been deep longings. For others, there have been deep yearnings. For some, there have been long seasons of silence. For others, there have been long seasons of pleading.
But for all, there is coming a dawning. There is coming a breaking through. There is coming a rising. There is coming an opening. For the eyes of the Lord are turned toward His sons, His daughters, His children, and He sees and knows and is intimately acquainted with the sufferings and the tests and the endurances that His people have been going through.
He will make His people a praise in this season. He will make His people a glory in this hour. For His affection is upon His people. His Church is His Beloved. His Church is His Bride. He will not forsake her. He will not disown her. For He now is revealing, through the tests of the sons and daughters of God, to principalities and powers, His manifold glory.
This season has not been for naught. This season has not been to wear you out. This season has not been to tear you down. This season has been to prove and manifest to the forces of darkness that the Church cannot be hindered; the Church cannot be stopped, and the Church cannot be thwarted for she will rise in this hour with greatness and glory. She will have weapons on the left and on the right. She will have dominion in arenas she never had dominion before. And God will make her young again.
For hear now what the Spirit of Grace would say to those who have ears to hear: "I am making you young again. I am going to restore the seasons of loss. I am going to restore the seasons of denial. I am going to restore the seasons of betrayal. I am going to restore the seasons of strife, and when I restore them, and it will be in yet a little while, I will turn the captivity of My people and there will be laughter again in Zion. There will be joy again in Zion.
"I have seen the sacrifice of praise that has gone up from the ends of the earth. I have seen My people, who in the midst of their warfare, have lifted their hands high and have shouted the shout of victory even while the powers of darkness have seemed to prevail over their minds, hearts and spirits. Yet, even in the face of demons, My people still praise. Even in the face of dark forces, My people still rejoice. Now watch, for I am about to crush satan under your feet."
Posted by i angel at 19.8.09 0 comments
Thursday, August 13, 2009
LOVE Unfathomed.
Yesterday, I had some time off, and I have really needed to get some sun on my legs, so I decided to go to the pool at the YMCA. I was on my way, and I was going through downtown Deland, heading east on 44- I remembered suddenly a prophecy I had read a few days ago- that had spoken to me tremendously (by Mark Chironna), and part of the prophecy said to watch for "the sign posts" - and how they were very meaningful... so as I was traveling I saw on the light at the intersection of New York and Woodland, "no turns". I prayed and quickened my spirit to the Lord, and I heard from Him New Smyrna Beach. I said-- Oh yes,LORD! Because I love the beach and it hadn't even crossed my mind that I had time enough to go there...so I went down 44 to New Smyrna Beach.
As I was driving, about a little before "half-way" there, I saw a car that looked like a "guy I like"'s car.and I thought, "I bet that was "him", he was probably at the beach..."... and I kept on..
I finally got to New Smyrna and I didn't have any money to spend to get on the beach, so I had to ask the person at the beach ramp where public parking was and I went there and found a very nice parking place right at the first row near the boardwalk .;)
I went on the beach and put my towel down and relaxed near some people...and watched the waves, and the people, and the birds... and the sky. It was Wonderful.
After about an hour or so.. it started to thunder and everybody around started to get up, myself included and I went to my car and started back home.
When I got back on 44, I looked in my rearveiw mirror, and noticed a few cars back a car, again, that I thought looked like "his", and all the sudden, I thought...."what if he came here to watch and make sure I was safe....and then quietly went back on his way..."
I felt a love like nothing compared.
I've been loved like that before, and there's nothing in the world like it.
I do not know, if in fact it was "him" - but it reminded me of what true love is. And of what pure love is, and chivalry.
There is still love like this, people. Don't let the world and it's "fillers" steal your love or your passion or your chivalry or your true joy from you-EVER!
Our God is a deep God- A Pure Love...Real, and something unfathomable.
Love ~
I do not know if it was my "friend" that I like so much... but pray for me ... to remember and/or discover in God what Real, Pure, True Love really is............and You all are in my prayers.
Love, Ashleigh<3
Posted by i angel at 13.8.09 0 comments
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
"This is of Me, Sayeth the LORD,
The people perish, for a lack of love. The people perish, in unforgiveness.
Even tiny offenses, can become like great canyons between people's hearts. The people's think their ways are always right-they think anger is ok, and they think bitterness is the way. but they forget that forgiveness is the key to love. They lost the key, and can't find it, Yet they forget what I did, to forgive them of their sins- when I came in man's form-in Jesus Christ's body-2000 years ago. They forget that forgiveness isn't easy, and they choose to do what's easy. But they will be paid for what they do...but those that pay the full price, to fully forgive each other, will be rewarded. They will be Rewarded with Life, and Mercy, and Love. Forevermore.
In the Name Above Every Name-Amen.
"Seek ye the LORD, while He may be found...call ye upon Him while He is near..."
Isaiah 55:6
Posted by i angel at 12.8.09 0 comments
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Pastor Raley from Calvary Christian Center in Ormond Beach quoted this on his facebook status today, and I think it needs to be shared,
" Fear tolerated becomes faith contaminated! Smear the fear today!"
YES, and AMEN~!
Posted by i angel at 11.8.09 0 comments
to thine own self be true
To thine own self be true...
I thought of this today, last night actually... after pondering what I wrote about letting our guards down... (for those of us who have been hurt, and tend to put up a guard around people to try to avoid being hurt more).
I spent a good half hour earlier today writing a really nice message, but it somehow got lost during a saving and a publishing... so I am going to have to rewrite it... and I thought to the LORD, and prayed, because I was a little upset about losing it, but I prayed and said, maybe there's a reason He didn't want it to be published, maybe I need to change something or add something, and I do... so here goes:
To thine own self be true. That's a quote from a fiction(not-true) story by William Shakespeare, but we can apply it to real life, and it speaks a great volume about our relationships with ourselves, and with others.
What does it mean, "be true"?
Well, what is truth?
Truth is pure to itself...and it's followers.
Truth does not deny itself.
Truth is honest with itself.
I looked up "true" in the merriam-webster online dictionary...
the first word under it's definition is "steadfast"
I once wanted to get the word "steadfast" tattooed on my body... because the meaning of the word is very powerful. I was going to get it in Hebrew, because in the Hebrew, the term "steadfast" has more depth than just "always there".
In Hebrew, it means faithful, truth, honest, loyal.
In other words, Real. unwavering.
there is a great strength in that word.
Being real has always been something I strive to be.
But sometimes in life, it can be difficult, painful or embarrassing to be real- even with ourselves.
That is where we have to decide if we are going to let God have our hearts, and to let Him have His way.
That is often a place where we either humble ourselves or puff ourselves up. I have struggled with pride for a long time. Because I have been hurt badly, by a lot of close people in my life. And I had built walls around me- walls around my heart, walls around my life. But I deeply long for intimacy, for truth, for freedom to be myself without having to "be" somebody else, or something I'm not. And in order to do that, I've had to (first seek God like crazy!), and then, pray like everyday for the LORD to make me humble enough to realize that I am not "all that " ( and a bag of chips as some would say)- but realize that it's all about the Love of God for His people. And He knows the desires of my heart-- one of them being that I want to be myself and be accepted for who I am. To let my guard down... and... discover who I am... to bear my heart with all I am. Because it's all for God--- and I love Him and all I want is to glorify Him-. Another thing He has shown me, is that no matter who comes in my life- He Alone is still and always will be the LORD of my life. I belong to God- and He belongs to me. Therefore, my value and worth in God's sight cannot and will not be judged or altered by what another person wants to think or say about me. I am approved by God, accepted by God, and loved by God- all through His glorious Son , Jesus Christ. He alone is Worthy of all my Praise!
It's one way or the other. There is no in between. And then there's God.
You may get puffed up- but deep down, you wish you were humble- down-to-earth, and at peace with your self, so that you could relate to others and trust them.
But trusting people is a challenge to people who have trusted and been crushed by it.
So I have had to learn, to judge people by thier fruits- Jesus tells us to do so- He said "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheeps clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves".
My Pastor once said- "Everyone that smiles at you ain't always your friends- every one that seems nice to you ain't always your friend..."
Proverbs says,
"Wounds from a friend are faithful, but kisses from an enemy are decietful"
I used to worry What if I kiss someone I love, does that mean I am trying to decieve them...no!
It doesn't butwhat it means is if someone is willing to tell you the truth you may be hurt by it- but they do it in love, because it's for your best intrest....but people can butter you up and kisskiss up on you and then you think you are so "loved" or so "special" and then they can get anything from you or cause you to fall....
so we have to be willing to pray and to use righteous judgement.
If there is someone in Christ who you see, and you judge- I think if we look at a person and judge thier actions it should be to gain knowledge- and if they are not righteous we should pray for thier restoration, not condemn them.
If they are NOT in Christ, then we should avoid them according to the Bible.
1 John talks all about this...
I'm not sure why this message went this way... I had written something totally different earlier...
About being true to thine own self- no matter what other people say or do or think....
but I guess this is what needed to be said, instead!
Being real- is a willingness to look in a mirror and see everything that's there-
it's being willing to tell God everything that you're dealing with - even if you can't express it- or find exactly what you're trying to say.... because it's all about Him anyways- and He already knows what's in our hearts- He just wants a people who is willing to settle down, focus on Him- and deal with the Truth.
Not everyone's gonna love you.
Not everyone's gonna like you.
But God loves you- and He accepts you just for who you are.
You don't need anyone's approval but the Lord's.
You don't have to do a thing to be loved.....
God loves you no mater what.
You don't have to be a certain way- or accomplish any big thing to be acceptable to God- in other words- in Bible terms- it isn't about "works", but it's about faith, and faith works by love. God loves you so much more than you can even imagine..... and He will always, always love you.
In Jesus' name. amen.
Posted by i angel at 11.8.09 0 comments
Monday, August 10, 2009
Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point.
Posted by i angel at 10.8.09 0 comments
One of my beloved Pastors in the Faith recently said "THE WALLS MUST COME DOWN!"
And I AGREE!!! In Jesus name!
pride comes before a fall, but humilty comes before honor!!! (Proverbs)
p.s.... let the guard down... it takes practice... SOMETIMES we gotta keep 'em up.... but sometimes we gotta shout and tear 'em down--- to get to where we need to be, to be who we were created to be~.... The Lord once told me, " Learn to be vulnerable, and yet, responsible"~ (emotionally.... and with my whole life.)
God is SO GOOD! :))
God BLEss you ALL!
Posted by i angel at 10.8.09 0 comments
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Have you ever messed up so bad, that you felt like you couldn't trust your own judgment? Or have you ever sinned to the point, where you felt like you began to lose sight of the difference between what's right and what's not? Have you ever questioned whether you were able to serve God the way He designed you to... have you ever tried to overcome a sin and failed at it so much that you did not know how to go on - in the Faith?
I have felt and experienced all of these. But now I am free. And I want to tell you what I learned from these experiences in my life, these trials and errors, failures, falls and questions....
1. You cannot mess up to the point of God not forgiving you,If you are a saved born-again believer. You might say, what about the serial killer- I am not preaching to him, I am preaching to the born-again redeemed son and daughter of God, who have failed and sought and have not yet reighned over and have not yet found thier complete Salvation.
Is it possible to not find or have your complete Salvation?, you ask. Yes. How can I tell you this ?? Because the Word of God says... to continue to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling....(Philippians 2:12). that means Salvation is a process. At least, my Salvation has been a process... and this is what I am speaking by...
2. God will never give up on you.
If you stray or wander away from Him, or mess up and become too ashamed to talk to Him, guess what, He already even knows THAT! So, you might as well 'fess up... get it outta your heart and off your chest, and tell Him you feel like an idiot for messing up.. tell Him how much you miss(ed) Him and tell Him how much you want to be Right.
He will Forgive you, I promise!
3. It is possible to serve the LORD the way He designed us, (you). He made us all different yet all the same in the fact that we all have a unique purpose for His purpose.... and His laws and precepts and ways and chastisments and rebukes are for your benefit, not for your punishment. They are for your protection, not for your limitation... for your freedom not to restrain you... and for your best intrest. I heard a long time ago... when I was first learning the Gospel, that children actually crave discipline. I was never really punished as a child to the point of being, like, "raised" in a way where I was chastened, but according to research, even though it seems like children would want to get away with anything and everything they want... deep down inside they want to be corrected, they want to be taught, the want to know what's right and wrong.... it's innate- it's how God designed His creatures. The flesh doesn't like it, the flesh won't agree... but does it really ever- willingly???????? ;)
4. All I can say about overcoming sin that you can't seem to get over on your own... it is not easy. In fact, I personally had to go through a deliverance to get free from my sinfulness. But now I am free, and nothing can take that away. In the name of Jesus Christ-amen!
I guess it comes to a point where you get so tangeled up in sin that there is no way out- there is no unraveling it- you have to cut the strings- you have to use the sword- and then you are free.
But freedom is possible, freedom is real- and freedom is great!!!
2 Corinthians 10:3-5
3For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. 4The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
Psalm 32:5
5 Then I acknowledged my sin to you and did not cover up my iniquity. I said, "I will confess my transgressions to the LORD "— and you forgave the guilt of my sin. Selah
Psalm 129
1 They have greatly oppressed me from my youth— let Israel say-
2 they have greatly oppressed me from my youth, but they have not gained the victory over me.
3 Plowmen have plowed my back and made their furrows long.
4 But the LORD is righteous; he has cut me free from the cords of the wicked.
Trust the Spirit of Truth. Listen. Believe.
God is LOVE- He always has your best in mind.
For He is LOVE-His Vey Nature, is LOVE.
Posted by i angel at 9.8.09 0 comments
Thursday, August 6, 2009
~The Rainbow in the Heavens~
Tonight, this evening I was driving through the country and it had been raining and I noticed a faint rainbow up in the sky~ the farther I went I noticed the rainbow started to grow and become more intense in color.
The road turned in a direction that the bow was on the left.. and it was full. it went in a complete bow across the sky. So, I kept going and I really wanted to pull over (but there was a police officer a little ways behind me and I did not want to be asked why was I stopping.. ) but about a mile later he was gone and I pulled over and just watched and prayed as the rainbow lived it's life.
I always think about the LORD when I see a rainbow and His promise to His creation. And then I always think about His promises to me that He's made.... I know He is Faithful.
So.. as the rainbow started fading on one side, the other side grew real bright in color, and went up into the clouds... into the heavens, and disappeared... and I was thinking unto the LORD, ahhh.. the rainbow is going to meet You in the heavens Lord... how sweet...!
And He told me to look again... at the rainbow coming from the heavens.. to the earth- and He said that is like His promises, that He sends, from the heavens to the earth, for us.
He is a Sweet Lord.... :).
Posted by i angel at 6.8.09 0 comments
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
SOOO, I have tried to post a couple songs that I had recorded with my friend's computer a while back, but she cleaned her computer and now they are gone! Forever!!!!!!! :( they were really good but whateve!! I tried recording more but my voice is kinda messed up right now and I'm going to the Dr tomorrow to see whats "wrong" so......... maybe when my head feels better I can get something done!!
Anyways- and Also God has been doing really really cool stuff in my life lately. He is so close to me and He is answering ALL my prayers!! With His Awesome Spirit! I LOVE THE LORD FOREVER! Yes, and AMEN!
- Godbless you people!!! XXOO ~
Posted by i angel at 4.8.09 1 comments
Sunday, August 2, 2009
What's Your Name?
So, I have been asking the LORD to refine me- to cleanse me and such. And as I've been praying- I came across something that I deal with - that I never quite articulated in my understanding- till now.
I was praying about my pride...
because sometimes, I have way too much pride. (Any pride is too much- but sometimes I'm like- about to burst)
anyway- one of the main sources of pride that I struggle with- and this is really - "ironic" (?) I guess- is that - the closer I think I get to God- the more pride I get. Because I think I know more than others.. I think that I'm more special more anointed more holy- than others.
(really I'm not)- I'm hypotheticizing. :)
but- it made me think- as I was praying for someone else tonight- that sometimes people and especially Christians, unfortunately, easily get caught up in titles, or thier status in the church.
(I don't know whether my friend has this problem - but I prayed for them to not!) But a lot of times it happens to people.... I think because they have a need for recognition- and a need for love that maybe they didn't get or don't get from thier parents or family or selves or friends... I know that I didn't get all the love I needed- and I didn't recieve Christ until I was 21...so my ways of being haven't always been righteous and I've tried to find love in too many other ways than through Christ alone.
I guess the ultimate thing that pastors and church leaders or anyone praying for and desiring to work in the LORD's Kingdom need to know and remember is that it is not about them. It is all about the LORD and it is about the LORD's people. I mean, look at Jesus and His work--- His work was to do the will of His Father- God- and that meant humbling Himself to death on a cross. It's about love. It's about truth. It's about sacrifice. It's about fasting and praying and seeking God with all yourheart--- it's about serving the LORD. Knowing Him and His ways- Loving Him and keeping His commandments. Forgiving and loving- and standing up for whats Right in God's eyes-no matter what the cost.
Posted by i angel at 2.8.09 0 comments