Monday, January 4, 2010

~Prophecy from Kim Potter Ministries... let the readers God chooses be Holy Blessed. ~

I wanted to share this prophecy for 2010 with you - much of it goes along with today's motivation! It is quite long...but worth the read. Enjoy...I know I did.

John Mark Pool:We Have Now Entered into a 10-Year Period of Extreme Breakout!2010 is a Year to Inhabit EternityHe (God) has made everything appropriate in its time. He has also set eternity in their heart, yet so that man will not find out the work which God has done from the beginning even to the end.-Ecclesiastes 3:11God has given man an eternal perspective so that he can look beyond the routine of life. Nevertheless, Father God has not revealed /all/ of life's mysteries to man. God holds the plan and we are to yearn for it.The Book of Ecclesiastes represents a human struggle to discover meaning during life. Understand, our Creator placed either a hopeless burden or a hope-filled challenge before us. Our actions will determine our mindset or view. To the "world order" view, it would be as a hopeless burden that could not offer peace of a "blessed assurance" knowing the God of our Universe had us in His great plan both now and for eternity. *However, God does not want His own family to reside in the "natural" mind that is at war against our spirit being. *We are more than conquerors if we know who we are and then take the responsibility for obedience or not!During this earthly journey toward our eternal abode, we have more "spiritual set-backs" from Believers forfeiting inherent rights to the enemy than from the devil's cunning devices. However, there are three main components the Lord told me we /will /overcome in the year 2010:·* We must possess and abide in a land we have conquered.*·* We must occupy our land by "title deed" ownership rights.*·* We must realize our identity in God to rout our enemy*.Remember, God resides and inhabits eternity, not earthly existence. God IS SPIRIT! We are becoming His promised Word, and must grow more even daily as God reorders our vision of being eternally minded.2010 Will Be a Year of "Extreme Breakout"We cannot totally abandon the natural where we have been "sown" to grow into the supernatural life, producing everlasting fruit, yet we cannot live on earth as if it is our "main course" on God's banquet table of His ceaseless plan. This New Year and new decade, Christians will begin living in the view of Spiritual Dispensation as opposed to residing in a material, earthly subsistence.

*This is a year for complete "breakout."*In this time, Christians will begin understanding our birthing was "supernatural" before we came to earth to be born in the natural. We will begin to understand that God's plan on earth was not to /end/ our destiny when we leave this natural life, yet His endless plan was rather to sow us /eternally with Him/! As we move into the breakout of old, false mindsets that have been sowed into our lives, God is now drawing us back to the eternal DNA we were made from-for the yearning for home with the Father.Our new season is not leading us into an "escape-from-earth" thinking, let a deep resolve that this is but a step into the ceaseless ages of an eternal Kingdom where we indeed rule and reign with our Father forever! Be encouraged, our best is just ahead of us!So, let us make a 2010 New Year's Resolution that: *2010 is the year to breakout of the 'naturally minded' wilderness.*We furthermore make a new resolution that: *We are being repositioned into the vision of perpetuating our eternal purpose spiritually.*Now we will allow the Lord to change our hearts into hunger for the supernatural destiny. This means we will indeed become more "super" natural beings than carnally existing citizens dwelling on earth as though it were our only motivation for living.*Be prepared to have strong supernatural desires overwhelm your natural mind, taking you into the destiny you have known deep down inside is where you belong! *Jesus sowed this into us so that we are to be Christ's example of the "express image" of the invisible God.The enemy of our souls has duped many Believers into settling for far less than God has appropriated for His own. Too often, God's family has exchanged the glory of God for the mindset of an accepted spiritual /stalemate./ We must not accept the accuser's words against those of the Living Word of God. We will now move into a genuine hunger to absorb the Living Word of God. We must take God at His word, shut out the devil's accusations, and grow into a maturity of ownership to act by faith upon the double-edged "Sword of the Lord," to cut out the carnal mindset that the devil wants to use to destroy our future. Again, this is 2010, the year for moving into your extreme "breakout."Even a limited human view sees that God has created an ordered, beautiful universe, but spiritually unaided human reason does not discover the true meaning of life. We want to see eternal results of our lives but cannot through the view of our natural eyes. *If we reside on the earthly view, then everything will be an unending physical burden.* The enemy loves nothing more than to keep Christians in the web of that vicious cycle of "carnally-minded, slave-labor camps." Do not accept it, you are made for this year of 2010 to experience extreme "breakout." Just do it!2010 is a Year of "Restorations"We are about to see the Lord perform tremendous *restorations*. Your latter house will be far greater than the former. God is about to restore to His own what the locust has destroyed. God is bringing His own out of the shame of their loss which "swarmed" over them through disobedience.Then I will make up to you for the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the creeping locust, the stripping locust and the gnawing locust, My great army which I sent among you.-Joel 2:25 (NASB)The Lord is now restoring to His own the years of loss that many thought would not come to pass. God is about to restore our land and restore the "fear of the Lord" in the process! *We will begin to return to the fear of God.* God is bringing back His "Awe" of respect. Hope comes only as we let God's gift of life satisfy us by reverencing and fearing Him.God controls the events of His created order. Finding purpose in that order is not a natural, "soulish" discovery. It is an uncovering that comes only by faith in our Creator, who sees and acts beyond our restricted time. There is a time for many things God has placed us here on earth to accomplish, yet if we pursue earthly endeavors over God's masterful eternal plan, then we have sown into the ideology that this earth's value is greater or equal to that of God's eternal and everlasting Kingdom.Earth is not insignificant in God's great scheme, or He would not have relegated man as the caretaker and the one to subdue it as we multiply God's Kingdom. Yes, God did instruct us to do so on earth as it is in Heaven, yet we are to not allow the enemy of our souls to convince us to view earth now as if it were the finished work of Heaven!America is About to Be Financially RestoredRepent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord, and that He may send the Christ, who has been appointed for you-even Jesus. He must remain in Heaven until the time comes for God to restore everything, as He promised long ago through His holy prophets.-Act 3:19-21 (NIV) From the time of October 1, 2009, for the next 37 Months, the Economy of the United States will become restored to 10 times better than it was ever before. God does NOT want this country bankrupt, and thus no matter who says it is, God wants the economy to be restored to the Christians whom He had to know He could trust! World financial leaders will become astounded how much Israel will now play into this "financial restoration" of the USA.Our Country will turn around because God's Church in America has sown more exportation of the Gospel to the known world than any other country-it will continue to do so! Remember-from the time of October 1, 2009, for the next 37 Months-this is about to be the Nation of immense wealth for the Kingdom of God to be brought further into this earth, as it is in Heaven! Heaven has a word, and you can "bank on it!"A restoration is also a time of cleansing the hard-hearted from the midst of the innocent in Christ. Nonetheless, His chosen Israel will now turn to the Father's heart as His has been seeking theirs! This is a new season, and when the shaking of the nations occurs, it is yet within the plan of God to rend humanity of its selfish motives, the pride to do whatsoever they desire, all the while abandoning the very Creator who has always been pursuing His creation. God is the Creator, the Lover of our souls, and yes, even the Justice System that is our highest form of order, called God's Government. Remember, God is Government. Never stop appealing unto God's great government!Our Nation will now begin to see God in a different light than a God of judgment. You will see God as one who is JUST and TRUE. God does not want to punish you. Discipline is not unfair punishment. Discipline is love to keep us in line with our Father, so the enemy does not destroy us. God is not wanting to punish His creation, yet His creation is drawing upon His requirements to keep His word in discipline.2010 Will Bring About Some Major Shaking of Both Sky and Earth RealmsProphet Haggai states this prophecy below, which is both fulfilled and to be further fulfilled, as this is a dualistic prophetic Word from God:For thus says the LORD of hosts, *'Once more in a little while, I am going to shake the heavens and the earth, the sea also and the dry land.* I will shake all the nations; and they will come with the wealth of all nations, and I will fill this house with glory,' says the LORD of hosts.-Haggai 2:6-7 (NASB) emphasis addedWhen the shaking becomes much more intensified from 2010 through 2012, you can be sure that those who have ever known God will fall on their knees and repent. Also, followers of God will freely offer the value of His "awesome" respect and who He really is compared to earthly pleasures. The wisdom of the Lord's people will return as they offer Him the awesome respect He requires and merits. Remember that the fear of the Lord is the beginning or the basis of true wisdom.We are to serve God with all our hearts, souls and minds. As we become more "sanctified", then we will be entering into the land that was promised us, that will indeed flow with milk and honey. We are to not live for the milk and honey, yet to possess the land that will nourish our spirits more than our souls.This is an exciting time to be alive on earth! We are truly coming out of the "wilderness of carnal thinking", allowing God to "shake the dust of earthliness" off His people and rending them to become the dominating Kingdom fruit that remains!I believe I have heard the Lord tell me signs of shaking will occur from 2010 onwards in these strategic areas of the United States:· *The Central and Midwest USA*-earthquakes will occur in the St. Louis, MO surrounding area. Be ready for the Mississippi to shift directions as the shaking and flooding occurs beginning in the late spring onwards in 2010. Cleveland, OH will experience the Burning Fire of God causing citywide repentance to turn back to your motto-"With God, all things are possible."· *New York City*-will begin to experience "power outages-first brown then black outs!" The Statue of Liberty must be guarded. We must be on guard for our Liberty to continue to shine and not be dimmed by darkness from within our borders. We must guard that Liberty is not darkened.· *Los Angeles*-more fires will cause you to burn bright as a light for God and not man. Hollywood is about to undergo a "Facelift" and it will begin producing more Christian-based and Family movies than ever before. Hollywood is about to go through a Move of God that will impact LA to Detroit.·* Detroit*-will be moved by Hollywood as never before. Detroit will begin a new dance and a new sound from Heaven. It will glorify God in the streets of the city and spill into other major city streets across our country. Motown is going to become God's town!· *Miami*-is in for a deluge that will wash your hearts and minds for God! Widespread flooding will overwhelm you in out-of-season times. Know that is God knocking on your heart's door. Let Him in! If you do, you will spark the biggest Latino Move of God our nation has ever yet experienced! I feel you will, and it will move our hearts to the point of a new passion for the Latin American people to be the answer to a new wave of God's anointing. This will connect across I-10 over to San Antonio, TX. Miami, the keys are in your hands! If you choose slowly, 3 major hurricanes will be on your shore to remind you "no more!"· *San Antonio-*get ready to see Spanish taught to people instantly who desire to have a heart for the Latin American people! We will exchange languages in the Spirit and it will be a "supernatural sign" of God to use every tribe and tongue to bring God glory as hearts are pursuing His purpose. San Antonio, you have the light that is about to blow God's hot fire on the Border Drug Wars. The Alamo City is now drawing a spiritual "line in the sand." You will become the Fire of God's heart to purge the evil from the borders, and once again open up the free exchange into Mexico and Central America from your I-35 corridor all the way to a powerfully anointed outpouring of the Holy Spirit of God! You are now anointed to carry the Flame of Revival that will sweep Mexico and even become transported upwards on the 1-35 Corridor into Dallas, Denton, and up to the Central U.S. Get ready-you are on a powder keg of anointing, for this time in 2010 is yours!· *New Orleans-*Hurricane after hurricane with record winds will send in waves upon waves of flooding that will overcome evil intentions, and what is left will be because of those who have stayed on their knees and have humbled themselves before the almighty God. You will soon know that God does not "play games" with eternity in the balance. Change your hearts today! This is the time to fall on your knees now and turn from the "arrogance" that denies God. Yes, He is both grace and mercy, but He is also the One of justice and truth. A remnant will remain, but New Orleans, you will never be the same. Today is your day of salvation! Begin to intercede now!· *Dallas/Ft. Worth/Denton Metro Region*-You will take to the Nations heart with the meaning of "The Eyes of Texas are upon you." DFW is positioned to make a decision to become the "Restoration Capital" of our Nation. Only through humility will a New Hosanna Center be birthed that lifts up Christ and will indeed draw all men. DFW is in the balance of becoming the nation's Prophetic Training Central Hub for our country and to see how God's Kingdom will come to this earth as it is in Heaven! Many will begin to come to DFW/Denton and the I-35 Corridor zone to assist in training and connecting schools as ministry homes. Open heavens will reside over this region due to the watch and intercession faithfulness. DFW is about to turn the nation to its knees to seek the Lord and many will come to find Him there! Remember, Dallas, don't let the devil put you on the horse called Pride. Stay humble before God.· *Baton Rouge, Louisiana*-will become known as the "least likely" to supply our nation with the Best Executive Officer our country has seen since President Ronald Reagan! Be prepared to hear that Baton Rouge has a capital anointing for the capital appointing, and it will make history for the next two decades. Judicial, Legislative and Executive will benefit because of the plans for a super deposit that will spring forth from the Capital of Louisiana that will affect not only eleven other states, but will affect our nation for God and be the voice God has preserved to impact our world. Baton Rouge, you will be known as the one who has given the Eye of the Tiger back to the heart of this nation. From 2012 to the next 12 years, you will have a capital authority to turn this nation's heart back to the very heart of God. Decree it, pray it, be it!2010-Embrace it...No More "Merry-Go-Rounds"As I was spending this time alone to hear from God, I saw a bunch of older people that were acting like children fighting to stay on the "merry-go-round." Some had older, weathered features and yet seemed "childish" in this constant battle to reside in a "playground" they should have passed through long ago. Instead, they kept fighting to stay on the merry-go-round and hung on to a comfort of moving, yet going nowhere. Like the same idea of a dog going around and around in circles chasing his tail, yet only grabbing exhaustion. We must not allow the hardness of hearts to stop us from going around in circles that God has never ordered.The Lord is telling His people to break free from the "old cycles" of iniquity that have been a snare of the devil to keep them from their plan and purpose of God. God's people must move into the ownership of becoming responsible for actions. It is the season to face and reckon with the truth. If we will, then we will adjust to the order of God, and move from the past into our season of intense "breakout" for God's best.God wants us to reach higher than ever, yet He will not just reach down and grab the "merry-go-round" if we have a "will to hang" onto what is not our plan. God will not generally override our will to move on, as it would defeat His plan to have us "hunger after Him" as He must be pursued. When we were drawn to Jesus it was because the Holy Spirit was "wooing" us into our eternal transformation called "salvation." As we hunger for more of Him, the more He reveals of Himself. God did promise, however, to reward those who diligently seek after Him!"But without faith it is impossible to please Him (God): for he that cometh to God must believe that He (God) is, and that He (God) is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him (God)."-Hebrews 11:6 (KJV)To please God, one must believe that the only true God-not a god-exists and that He rewards. God is both loving, compassionate and slow to anger, yet does keep His Word. God is honor-bound to perform His Word. What you sow, you will reap."Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap."-Galatians 6:7 (NASB)*2010 is now "Reaping Time."*God's Creation is Made to Groan For His PlanThe Year of AYIN is the first year into the new (5770) decade of "70s" which speaks of "searching eyes." *It is the year of INSIGHT in the SPIRIT*. Through this new phase of God's "70" decade, we can expect to have leadership groups to begin to administer the judgment God has developed for His order. God is a God of order. God's creation is made to "groan" for His plan.In that process of "groaning" Israel may indeed enter a season of "warring" with God's plan, but it will be their ability to incisively act upon God's plan to save their nation and ours! Israel will increase, and we would do well to increase Heaven's odd for our favor by favoring the apple of His eye. Keep your eyes on Israel in the next 10 Months, because God will uphold His chosen.We must pray for the Peace of Jerusalem! However, you will soon note that it is not "peace at any price!" The Prince of Persia will soon know the Hosts of Heaven reside upon the side of His own. Israel is about to be on the increase. God is about to restore His lost unto Himself.Then said he unto me, "Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words. But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia."-Daniel 10:12-13 (NASB)Consequently not all things have "submitted" to God's order. If we will submit to God, to His accountability through God directed leaders in our lives, then we will begin to enjoy the blessings of God's order, not mankind's existence in carnal disorder. Disorder causes people to moan, not groan. When people murmur and complain rather than submit, they are the ones who choose the consequences that will rend the most stubborn from being a stumbling block. God wants this earth to be restored, beginning before He put man on it.If we will only submit and yearn for God's perfect will, then it will head off the enemy taking us another 40 years of trials and testing around the "Wilderness Mountains." Yet we must understand that our participation is required. This is the year to settle it now, decree with your own words, that "we are not going backwards!" *Make this a declaration of your heart: we are now in a season of becoming desperate for our powerful and passionate "breakout!"* God is about to restore all things for His Kingdom! We are breaking out of the old and into the new!We have moved into the final phase of the apostolic order and God is about to "reorder" the way the Church has done business. God will do what He said He will do. He is not a man that He should lie. God watches over His Word. God is a "rewarder" of those who acknowledge Him as the only true God. As we are drawn into this season of close pursuit of God, understand that we will never be able to quench our appetites for the "hunger to be in His presence."Ayin - The Year of DoubleAyin = 5770 which is the current Hebrew Year. The Hebrew word /ayin/ has many meanings, and they are to be representative of where our hearts are to view God's plan above ours. The word ayin, means literally "nothing," or "naught." Further understanding reveals that this one word means many things that are relevant to the context of the use of the word ayin. This same word also symbolizes the meaning of countless or endless-this is when you have the word ayin to represent "innumerable."When you enter this journey now, you must have the mindset of the Father lifting you out of the old and transforming you into the supernatural realm of the ayin or an unfathomable, immeasurable "breakout." God is causing us to be an endless well of anointing that will spring forth into the dry and thirsty land. We are the fountains of God to bring it into the promise land, for God's Kingdom springs of refreshing! Be ready to "Spring Forth as Living Water" from the "innermost" parts of your Spirit!He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, "From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water."-John 7:38 (NASB)God is pouring Himself out to display the latter house is better than the former! Our next 10 years will dwarf all expectations if we act in faith with God, not wavering to call things that are not as though they were. *It is our new walk of faith that will bring God's great rewards*. 2010 is the season to breakout of the old and not allow the past patterns to hold you from entering your new season of breakout. We are moving into a new decade of promise in 2010 to 2020! Move with the cloud and fire of God's anointing on this new 10-year journey.A fresh start is awaiting for those who dare to not look back into the past defeats. During the "Ayin" breakout point, we must not be looking backwards, but forwards into the "10" years ahead! We must embrace this new "10" anointing as our "double grace" gifts of two times five or twice the amount of God's grace to breakout from the patterns of our past failures. (I now have two nickels glued together in my pocket and will carry this as a reminder for this year to abide in the "double grace" anointing.) Look at your mountains today and shout, "Grace, Grace" unto those mountains of despair looming in your path!We must pursue the Lord with all our might-all your heart, your soul, your strength and your mind (see Luke 10:27). We must hunger and thirst after Him in a new insatiable desire as never before! We cannot allow the enemy's tricks of "complacency" to hobble our futures! This is an extreme breakthrough time to launch us into our Complete Breakout "10" Season!*We have now entered into a 10-year period of Extreme Breakout!*Always a Voice for God,