Sunday, January 3, 2010

O, the Depths, the Heights andthe LORD in it ALL!

What are we supposed to do with sin? What are we supposed to do with sin in our lives? We are supposed to turn from it, be cleansed from it, and do it no longer.
I think some times people, if they do not kno wthe fullness of God's Mercy and grace, hesitate to trust in a Merciful and Righteous God. I think maybe it's because they haven't recieved the fullness of the understanding of His great love for us. A love that we cannot fathom or fully understand....
I have sought the Lord and God on such things. He showed me once, that we humans are mortal creatures... He lives forever, but our lives on earth here are short in comparison to His. He is everlasting... we are like a breath to Him. I pondered this a few years ago... and He also showed me that is one of the reasons He is so merciful. He knows that we are so fragile... so weak... and He doesn't expect or want us to live in pain, or fear, or unhappy, or unforgiven, or with out grace. That is why He is called God the Father. And that is why He is known as a God of mercy and grace.
If we really and truly seek Him... we will find Him.
(If you search for me you will find me... if you search for me with ALL your heart.... Jeremiah.)

We can't try to understand Him our way or in our own mind or understanding. We can try... but until we let Him show us who He is, we will never fully know Him.
I have had quite a few heartaches and many many lonely times in my life... but I see now that it was the LORD's way of drawing me to a place where I could talk to Him, get to know Him for who He is, get to know myself a little better... with Him. When I look back to the Bible I read in it stories of men and women of God and you know what, not one of them failed or went through something seemingly unbearable and sometimes unreal. Not one!
But in all their trials, heartaches, and glories they were living for the LORD Almighty.
And it is all about Him.
I think God is so Wonderful and such and Awesome God... and I am thankful, truly thankful to be on this journey with so many others who are on the Way with me!
Sometimes I wish there were something I could say or pray for people to help them or minister to them... but I do not know what I could say... only that I know God exists, HE is greater than we could ever dream or imagine and if you truly want to find Him, He is there!
I don't know howI got into all this... what I originally felt like I needed to write about was living a pure life. Not trying to make things right yourself... but surrendering EVERYTHING to God when we mess up and having as the Bible calls it a Most Holy Faith inGod... He is willing and more than able.
Are you???