Sunday, December 6, 2009

Happy Sunday!

Hi everybody! How are y'all? Good I hope :)
I went to church this morning, and it was very good. My great pastor preached on 1 Corinthians 15:51-58. But one part (that popped out at him) also pops out to me. Verses 55 & 56:
O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.

I read this - yet I think on Jesus. If we live according to His Way- (He is THE WAY) - then the law is love.
See, my pastor preached on death. And my pastor is an awesome preacher, I love him to pieces. But I was about ready to preach today myself!
My pastor saidwhenhe was preaching- do we have power to resist sin? Can we resisit sin in our flesh- on the earth.
He looked at me.
I spoke and said-we can if we have the Anointing.
He asked me if I had the anointing.
I said yes.
He then asked me if I had ever sinned under the anointing-
I didn't speak because I know my pastor well enough to know that he always goes back to that we all need a Saviour. (trust me, I know this about the man! I'm pretty sure that is where he was going!)
But during the service I kept thinking as he was preaching...
about covetness, about envy (never being satisfied with our blessings or maybe not even recognizing how blessed we are!) and lust and adultery.
And all I kept thinking was how if people were grateful for the blessings they have.... they wouldn't want ... and if people were not afraid or jealous or faithful, they wouldn't be envious. And if men and women would love thier husbands and wives and see the ministry in thier marriages, and realize that God gave them to them for them (can ya catch that?) then they would always love and be loved and thier marriages would be so fulfilling they wouldn't lust or commit adultery ......
it just makes sense to me.
People always preaching but are they praying?
We want a difference but can we make a difference?
We were raised to be self- gratifying. W are raised self- centered by our society but that isn't a good way to be.
At least I don't think so.
I am grateful for what I have been given, and I'm not saying my pastor or anybody I know is anyof these ways, but I am just like everybody and I know that we all have our own walk with the Lord and we all have growing to do.
It doesn't matter how old you are or how much you've lived or how long you go to church.
I heard Joyce Meyer the other night on tv say how many years she and her husband went to church in anger and would put on a happy face as soon as they got on the premisis to make it seem like everything was a-ok, but in the truth they were always fighting at home.
I talked to my grandpa today and he and my grandma have been going to church for the past year, and he told me how he was raised in a church where he didn't really get taught the Word or God and how nobody ever taught him how to read the Word and understand it but that now he goes to a church where the pastor breaks down the meaning and teaches it to him so he can recieve it.
So, it just goes to show you that it doesn't matter how old you are or how long you go to church or what position you are in church we all have growing to do and we all truly need the Lord, and each other.
I love you all so very veyr much, and from the least to the greatest to the known and the unknown I hope with all my heart that through my writing I can inspire and encourage and comfort someone- even if it's just one!
Because I know sometimes it's hard to talk to people about what goes on inside us, sometimes we don't even understand- but we have to learn to trust- to trust the Lord and His love for us- He truly does love us. And we have to somehow learn to trust ourselves- like we have to learn to respect ourselves, and we have to learn to respect others. It's all part of life....
this gift we have been given by God!
What a gift it is!
I praise Him for it!