Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everbody~
The New Year revival was great, and I think everybody was blessed by the LORD. The first night the LORD gave us a Word about getting our houses flipped. Like when people buy houses, gut 'em out, clean 'em up and make them new again... Bro. Gerald Crabb preached to us on gettin' our houses flipped... let me tell ya, I think a few of us needed it!!!
Then the nest (came upon this typo editing.. i think i will keep it! God is awesome!;) night we had a preacher talk to us about the difference between being a chicken, and being an eagle. See... chickens- they can't fly, the cluck around the farm pens.... they make a lot of noise.... but the eagle~ the eagle is a representation of strength and glory to the Lord. We are called to be eagles... not chickens. You all shoulda heard the Word! It was a Blessing!
New Year's Eve the pastor of the church house's faveourite preacher ;) Brother Batchelor from Texas talked to us and preached about "Modernizing the Church".
We can't live in a shack forever... the world is gonna keep on moving, and for us to reach the world, we may have to change a few things. The message should never change, see, God never changes.... but we change.. so let it be to the Glory if God!
AMEN? Amen.
Hope you all (my readers new and old ) have a Wonderful 2010!
Love in Jesus~