Thursday, January 28, 2010

Death and Life are in the Power of the Tongue...

I pray and think when I’m riding in cars sometimes and last night after church I was thinking and praying and I get real inspired many times on what to write about in those moments and last night I thought about people judging other people. Like people judge other people or maybe another “person” based on what they see (in the natural). But in the natural we do not always see what is behind the scenes, so to say.
I can give you many examples, even of my own life and even in scripture that back this up 100%.
The first scripture I want to bring up Is "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit."(Proverbs18:21). See, what we speak, becomes what we see. And if we go around speaking life, we get life; if we speak death, we get death. And, if we go around speaking what we see, (which we all do sometimes), if we speak the truth (about it), then all is well, it is good for edification, exhortation and comfort. But if we go around speaking falsehood(bearing false witness), according to “our” ignorance, judgmental ways, or selfishness, then we (in the natural) “subject” life and truth to things less than what they are. Because if it is not of truth, then it is .. well, less than real.
I will give you an example.
I will use my own life experiences, so it can also be for a testimony, and a glory and a hope unto the LORD.
When I got saved about 8 years ago, I did a complete 360 turn around from the life I was living to a life that honored God. I did so much so, that the people in my life thought I had gone mad. And in a way, I kind of did.
When I found my God and Jesus Christ, I completely cleaned out my bedroom of all my possessions. Clothes, music cds, shoes, hats, pictures, everything. When I was done I had a long black skirt and two tops and I don’t even remember what kind of shoes I kept. I literally had nothing.
The people in my life saw the changes in me and it scared them. And they thought something was wrong with me. There were times that I definatley went to extremes to hear from God… but you know what? I heard from Him. And what the point of all of this I’m saying is that the peope in my life, namely family and a couple of long time friends, thought I lost my mind. And they began speaking that.
They said it over and over- to each other, to other people, even to me.
But I did not believe them.
I knew that God was doing something awesome inside me, and in my heart and in my life and in His Kingdom. I did not know exactly what it was at the time, but I knew it was His doing.
It was not easy to hear my family say thingslike that, and to go through the things I believed violated my rights and my privacy and my freedom… and I suppose it was not easy for them either, to understand the will and the mind of God. But because I did not allow myself – rather, because the LORD kept me, and always held me steadfast in His Presence and His Truth (His Word.) I was able to make it through a very trying time. And come out on the the better side.
I have learned so much about the LORD through the last ten years that I would not change but one thing. - and that being my own fault. (The Lord knows.)
But, the most important thing I want to convey through this -my experience to you, whoever you may be, one or many, is that there is power in what we speak.
Whether it be on a pulpit, on the phone with a friend, here in virtual land, or in person face-to- face. God created with the Word. He destroys with a word. The power of life and death are in the tongue, and not only that – but there is truth and / or falsehood behind our words. See, we can say one thing, and be completely sincere and honest about it – or we can say that same thing, yet not care at all. (And most of the time humans are pretty uncanny about sensing when others are being real with them or not....)
There is depth to the words we speak. There is purpose behind everything. The words that have power are the words spoken in truth. Whether for good or for bad, it’s the truth behind the Word that gives it it’s strength. And I believe ultimately if there be truth inside those words, they will be for good. Even if they hurt.
Sometimes truth hurts.
Sometimes life is painful, - We cannot avoid pain in life. We do not have to wallow in it, or stay in it, but to try to avoid pain would be unrealistic.
“He who would have nothing to do with thorns should never attempt to gather roses”.

Look at Jesus, our Lord. I do not think that he saw the cross as glorious at all. I think modern man has glorified the crucifixion- and I do not discredit it(the crucifixion) at all- it is my life, it is truly the only reason I am here. But I think the pain Jesus went through was not to make Himself famous, like some kind of idol.
It was a real event that took place- it was a moment that he realized life is real- A moment when He saw the desperate need of humanity for God-I believe that God became more and more real to Him as He lived his last moments before That Moment. And the whole purpose of the cross was to bring us to The Truth- of God. He died so that I would know that someone loved me. So that I would have a way to get out of the filthiness of sin… he died so that I would find strength to live. He died so that I would be able to see the truth from the lies. He died so that I would not have to (die before my time). He died to prove to mankind that God is Real. He died to prove to mankind that God is ALL Powerful. He died for so many more reasons- I think if you look you will see. (If you look with ALL your heart ! - Jeremiah!)
He died for you and everyone around you- and me.
And not only did He die but He died with a greater glory in mind that He rose from the dead! (The thourns and the rose!) that God can do it- God can make a Way where there seems to be no way. God can do the "impossible!!!" It is not in how we human minds think --- because in these days everyone seems to look to each other to find an easy way out or to find love in inanimate objects or to hurry through life, well, let me tell you- look to God for all these things and you will find much more than you could ever have asked for.

Look to the LORD, God Almighty- God Most High.
Find your answers in Him. Read His Words…listen to what He says, and you will learn the truth. "Humble yourselves, sons of men, hide yourselves, daughters without care- for the LORD on High is looking upon the earth, to see if any are ready for His return. To see if any take Him seriously. To see if any are willing to believe. And to live in these last days, for His Righteous cause and His Righteous Ways. For He is looking for a Righteous People- a People that will not go astray, nor turn aside at the worlds wicked ways. For the LORD is Holy, and HE longs for a Holy Nation. He longs for an Holy People. For HE is a Most Holy God. Amen. "

Watch what you say people, myself included- for there is power in (our ) words-
May we all be mindful of the LORD- with us. In Jesus name. amen.


Skeptical Believer said...

Amen to this! It's so easy for me to judge those Christians in power of leadership who have said horrible things and made Jesus look bad to millions of others, but then I step back and think about my own actions, and how they affect those in my world. The tongue is like the rudder of a ship--very small, but it can steer the course of a giant vessel.

By the way, I really like the layout of your site--very cool!