Friday, January 8, 2010

Choice and Ability

I was reading an article and out of nowhere the idea of "choice and ability" came out of it to me.
I think it is easy to see the words choice and ability and think "she is talking about doing what you can..." or in other word, settling for less.
We humans have been given the "ability" to do great and mighty things. Some of us use our abilities, some do not. Some use them for good, some use them for evil. What we choose to do with our abilities is up to us. We can be selfish and try to satisfy our own self-gratifying cravings, or we can seek after God and ask Him what would He have us to "use" our "ability(s)" on...for Him.
I, personally beleive, that every part of who we (individually) are has a special and unique purpose and capacity to serve God with. I do not think that He created us without knowing that some things that we do for Him we enjoy, and some things we do for Him we do not always "enjoy". But we do them anyway, for a greater cause.
He knows this. For He created us this way.
I think, if we look at life and what we "do" with it (by our workings of our abilities), we can learn more about life, the LORD God, and each other, in ourselves. If we "reflect". (on the inside)
I think it helps us attain and achieve the Higher purpose of creation.
So, choice then, can be.... up to us. We all have "free will", or, aka, "the law of liberty".
We reap what we sow. Pressed down, shaken together running over shall be given back to us in full- according to how we do, and give. It could be time, money, time with the LORD, Bible-study, excersizing a habit, whether good or bad, because practice makes perfect.
("but only if you practice perfect" my Dad always said~)
So... what are your abilities? What are you going to do with them? What are your choices? What potential is there in you? In Life? in Love?
How far are you willing to go for what you want in this your life, or what you think you want?
Some reap 30, some 60, some 100 fold.
Let's strive to be the best we can be... and even if that means being humble, for our own sakes!
Be Blessed~