Monday, December 28, 2009

Faith or Fear?

Do you walk by faith or by fear?

Does your faith offend people. Of course it does!
Jesus told us that the world will hate us. Because we are not of this world!
Jesus offended people.... why does faith in God offend people?
Because -
because they have sin.
Because they don't want to repent- because they have pride. Because they have never really put thieir faith and trust in God. Maybe they don't really know Him?
Some people honor other people's pride more than they honor the Truth.
Hopefully they will see the Truth, and change for the Good!
"for we can do nothing against the truth, only for it."
"Whatever is not of faith is sin".
"faith works by love..."
"For if I have faith that can move mountains, but have not love I am nothing. "
I Love!
I LOVE love- I love the LORD. I Love His commandments, and I love His People!

Be Blessed!
~I AM!