Saturday, December 5, 2009

Overcome and Find the Way!

I have been thinking about being an overcomer. I have been thinking about what it means to have overcome some things in my life. And how I have felt about it (at the time of victory), how I feel about it when I talk to others, and how I feel about overcoming obstacles in my life - like, in the Big Picture.
I think some people overcome a thing and stop right there. I think they think it's enough to have overcome something, or that maybe it was just like a problem that needed to be solved. Like quitting smoking- or quitting drugs - or overcoming being overweight. I think we, in our struggles, become blinded by the real purpose of why we need to overcome the obstacle (whether its addiction, sin, or self)- and when we overcome, we think it's over, and we stop right there.
But I want to let you know today that the end of one thing is just the beginning of another!
Like they say, "when God closes one door, He opens another!
There was and is a reason "why" we need to overcome certain "obstacles" in our lives. Not just to be sober or thin, or clear-minded, or clean.

The real reason we overcome is because God has a Purpose and Plan for your life.
He cannot take you where He wants you in the way you're in. So He has to wait on you to clean up your act. If that means get clean from drugs or alchohol, or losing 150 pounds, or getting an education, or what. You fill inthe blank.

See, it doesn't stop at the point when you give up the addiction and gain the victory over it in your life - no, that is only the beginning. That is when God can show you that He has a better life for you. That He has a specific plan for your life, that He thought of before you were even formed in your mother's womb!
Sometimes we get so wrapped up in sin or addictions or cares of this life or our own selfishness and neediness that we almost completely forget that GOD created each and everyone of us with a specific plan and purpose for HIS unique design!
We need to realize that overcoming drugs or alchohol or getting out of a bad relationship is not the end in and of itself- it is the beginning of your journey~ it is a step in the right direction, it is ride you've been waiting for, my friends!

~ Don't get all puffed up when you think you have accomplished a big thing by getting off drugs or staying sexually pure or saving your money or losing the weight - yes, getting free from all that is GREAT! Let me not take your joy by anymeans - but if we try to make ourselves seem big by what we used to do or used to "be" - that is "glorying in our shame". We shall not glory in our shame. There are probably other people who have done worse things and overcome them or people who never even thought about doing the stuf some of us have done who are successful in thier lives and just thankful for not even having been through the horrors of drugs or abuse or sexual impurities - so let's not be proud in who we think we are or were. That is not wise.

We should not even want to be associated with what we used to do or be or how we used to think - I mean, we're trying to stay as far away from being those ways as possible, right???

So, then, we need to leave those things which are behind us IN THE PAST and press on towards the HIGH CALLING of our LORD JESUS CHRIST!

The Prize is INCOMPARABLE to what we can think dream or imagine! The Bible says so!!!
So we should be ever so glad to be free from our sin, we should stand firm on our deliverance, our "overcoming" obstacles - sin, addiction, selfishness- and then we should SEEK GOD with all of our hearts. And have Him help us find our Way!
Because there's a reason we have overcome!
Let's find our purposes in Him and fulfill them, shall we?? :)

For we overcome by the word of our testimony and by the Blood of the Lamb!
Thank You Jesus!