I just read my post... and I also just read postsecret. (One of the blogs I follow- I recommend checking it out, just for thought) I really get inspired when people get free, even if its just by sending in postcards of "secrets" that they keep.
It made me also think... who are we hiding from? And why do we hide?
We hide from each other- because we judge each other- we condemn each other. We criticize each other and we hurt each other.
But I don't wanna hide anymore- and I don't wanna judge or condemn or criticize or hurt people anymore!
I'm over trying to be perfect for people- we are not here to please each other anyway!
We are here to please God!
And I am not your judge anyway- and your not mine!
God is the judge- Jesus said the Father judges no one- but has left all judgement to the Son- but ya know what else he said from His very lips was "judge no one-lest ye be judged, condemn no one, or you will be condemned- for how you judge you will be judged..."
You know, if we could just get real with ourselves and not be afraid of what other people think... I think we'd be much better off, maybe even happy !
Some people live thier lives in so much fear of what others think it stops them from living thier lives!!! Theyre afraid of others judgments!
How would u feel if you found out you were making someone feel like they were too afraid to do something or be what they want to be because they didnt want you to judge them!!??
Proverbs 29:25
Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD will be kept safe.
Some people would rather make other people happy and get "praise from men" rather than take a stand and make God happy and forget what men think.
You know what? At the end, the only one that's gonna be there with you is God. The Lord. Those people that praise you and butter you up and flatter you and make you feel like something special are not gonna be there for you. Nope. I think the "Enemy" sends people just like that into our lives to puff us up- and we get blinded from the truth by our own ego- or by impressing other people and thinking we're something were not!
It's one of the oldest tricks satan has used.
My pastor often says there's nothing good in us. I think there is good in us, but that it comes from God.
I tend to think a lot differently that most preachers I hear - but thats ok, I understand that maybe they are on another level than me. I do not lift myself up- we all have our place. No body is perfect in and of ourselves! That is for sure!
But we have the Lord.
The other thing I want to remind people is that we are going to mess up. We can try to pretend like we're perfect, or like everytime we sin it's ok because the blood of Jesus covers us- and it does- if we repent. But we will not walk through this life sinless. No one is sinless except Jesus. He is our perfect example. If we were sinless, we would not have needed Jesus. I also get the feeling sometimes that people think once saved always saved. I think yes,once saved always saved - but how saved do you want to be? How much life do you want to live? I don't think we should be messing up all the time and asking for Jesus when we are capable of being good. We need to desire righteousness- the Word says the heart of man is desperatly wicked- so why don't you pray for a clean heart?
God can make you clean.
I am just here to tell you that.
Not teaching you anything.
Just giving you a message.
God is more than an idea.
Love is more than a feeling.
Life is more than what we see.
OR think.
I said once, the only limits you have are the ones you place on yourself.
People are capable of AMAZING things!
Read Bear Grilz's testimony. (From man vs. wild)
And we are ALL created in God's image.
I believe we are all an expression of the Creator- and do you ever think - we are here at the same time. I'm not here sitting with william shakespear, and I don't live in Germany. No. I'm right here- right now.
And so are you.
My soul is so moved right now...... I wish people would realize.... what we hav been given. I wish people would just give in and love- and trust and believe in love.
4Love endures long and is patient and kind; love never is envious nor boils over with jealousy, is not boastful or vainglorious, does not display itself haughtily.
5It is not conceited (arrogant and inflated with pride); it is not rude (unmannerly) and does not act unbecomingly. Love (God's love in us) does not insist on its own rights or its own way, for it is not self-seeking; it is not touchy or fretful or resentful; it takes no account of the evil done to it [it pays no attention to a suffered wrong].
6It does not rejoice at injustice and unrighteousness, but rejoices when right and truth prevail.
7Love bears up under anything and everything that comes, is ever ready to believe the best of every person, its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances, and it endures everything [without weakening].
8Love never fails
People say they are Christians.
What did Christ ask us to do?
What did He say makes us His friend?
To keep His commandments. To love one another.
Is His Word in you? Are you in Him?
I am.
I pray for you to be in Him - and His Word be in you. And in us- Forevermore.
Yes, LORD.
Scripture on Love is from 1 Corinthains 13 amplified version of the Holy Bible.
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