Monday, July 26, 2010

Loving Others as Yourself

For work I do hair; I work one one one with people- touching them, talking to them and getting pretty upclose and personal, at least in ther face.
I think about people, in general, like, I guess you can say in almost a psychological way, but with the love of Christ- because we people are so complex and unique that we can only be truly seen through the eyes of God through Christ.
Well, yesterday at work I was a little busy. I was working on some boy's hair and a lady came in and askd how long for a haircut and I told her about ten minutes.
I was done and went to get the lady and do her hair cut, and it turned out to be a bit difficult than I expected. The lady had very short hair and wanted more and more taken off and when I was done she began complaining and it winds up she didn't pay and caused a bit of a scene - and besides all of this (because these kinds of things are somewhat "expected SOMETIMES" considering working with the public) the point I want to make here is I learned something from the lady.
For one she was angery. She seemed to have a major attitude problem and without going into all kinds of detail what I learned is pretty deep-

and it's about people loving others as themselves- and how some people who are hateful towards others, really have hatred indside for themselves.
When the lady had left the salon I had alreay went in the back and was praying because the lady was really argumentative- and I did not want to lose my job over her much less be in an argument or in a bad mood so I went away and prayed and I realized that her anger and bad attitude had nothing to do with ME- but she has a problem.
Some people have problems, and that is sometimes a part of life. But when people don't deal with thier problems - and deal with them the Right way, then they only get worse, even if they are hidden or covered up or disguised for a while- even a long while.
So, as I was praying I was like, wow, she was really hateful to me Lord, and He showed me that her anger and hurt and hatefulness was because she felt that way about herself inside, that that is the only way she knows how to express herself. No body has ever corrected her... or loved her right. Her parents nor friends. Because Love changes people for good- and if she had been loved she would love, because that is how love works.
And I think from seeing her in my chair for just a few minutes, that it looked like she had made some mistakes in life and maybe she regretted the choices she made and then hated herself for it- or maybe her parents or some other person was unforgiving toward her and maybe she depended on those peoples love who took away thier love when she made a bad choise- I mean it does happen.
Some people are biased in their love and if you make a mistake they might take away thier love- and this is the Ultimate Reason we need Jesus- because sometimes we do make mistakes but we if we have the LORD ~
If we have the LORD we for one try not to make such bad mistakes.
From the time I recieved Christ I changes my desicion making style. I have not always chosen the perfect choice, but I have learned and am still putting into practice seeking HIS WILL in my choices, and I learn that sometimes His Will is very different than what I Want. But it is also much much better.

I could go on and on today but the point I want to make is that other people's attitudes have much more to do with themselves than with who they are directed at. Love is unifying, where as hate is isolating.
Love is healing, hate is hurting.
Love accepts, hate rejects.
Love purifies, hate corrupts.
Sorry to be so gory but its true... and this is why we need to deal truthfully with ourselves and confront people in truth in love- especially the ones who need it most.
Tell the truth in love.
It seems challenging, but it is very simple.
Let Love Have It's Way~

Love today!



Anonymous said...

Yea, you did good not to be pulled into her anger.
Everyone has their reasons.
Someone said once, hurt people hurt, and people act the way they do, because like everyone else, they are afraid. Forgive her and what she did is no longer with you, you bless her and let go of her hurt. Its harder to resist people you are close with, family, lovers or freinds, they know how to get at us. When ever someone angers us, they take us from that perfect moment with life, love and God. So don't let people take you from the presence of the holy spirit. One last point, the people doing the hurting or doing the violence, the people commiting the sin will have pain with them much longer than the victim. ' He who laughs now will cry later', Jesus didn't wish for revenge, but he knew they would suffer, 'forgive them for they know not what they do', 'love your enemy', 'pray for those who do you harm' over and over Jesus knew that sinners will suffer the most from their own unforgiveness. So I pray for you to forgive and especialy that the women will forgive herself. She is a child of the Lord.
Godbless the love

i angel said...

Thanks for the support. I see how I wish to respond, in love, and I will...
Godbless the Love!
