There is something I have pondered that troubles me every time I consider… How the children of God that say they believe, never see the fruits of God’s Power in their lives.
Healings. Miracles. True Salvation. Deliverance. Spiritual Knowledge. Wisdom. Life Changes. Holy Promises Fulfilled.
Why ?
Why don’t people- especially “those of the household of faith” – ever see God’s “promises” come to life in their lives?
Doubt. Unbelief. Mistrust. Fear. Impatience.
These are a few reasons people do not see God’s fulfillment of His Truth in their lives~
But we need to ponder these reasons and ask, why DO people DOUBT God? Or WHY do people not believe Him and His Word in their lives? Or why do they think in fear, that they are less worthy than another person to have what God has promised to “ALL who believe”? And for people who don’t trust the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, WHO then can they trust? For we all know that the “trust” of “man” is futile.
Where then is faith? It comes from a Knowledge of WHO GOD Really is.
God… The “God of our Fathers”.. the God of Jesus Christ… And David the King of Israel, and Isaiah the prophet, and Elijah and Elisha the miracle workers… and Esther the queen who saved a nation and Moses who lead the Israelites out of egypt, is that same yesterday, today and forever~ It is the same God that has always been~ And if we really want to have what God has promised through the Word of His Son Jesus Christ, the first and foremost we have todo is DARE to Believe.
I say Dare because it takes COURAGE to STEP OUT IN FAITH, it takes momentum, courage, passion, faith with reckless abandon~ to have the good things that God has for His Children! Why? Because there is a world out there full of thives imposters and liars that don't want (God's People) to have what (HE) wants (us) to have, because they don't have it. Have you ever heard that saying "Misery loves company"? And we see it all around, envy, lust, competitavteness...such things will never bring true peace or glory~ Only recieveing the Blessing from GOD, for the Bible says, "every good and perfect gift comes doen from the Father of Lights.."
(God is no respector of persons) he doesn’t compare us with each other… he compares us by our selves… meaning… He doesn’t say, oh, Sally is better than Trina, because of this this and that. NO. He has placed within each individual person a unique purpose, design and value that only HE can create and fulfill– and His value is based in His Word, and He judges according to HIS standards for us, not other’s people’s, and certainly not against other people’s, or their’s against us.
So we have to decide… what do we (each individually) expect and or desire from life, from the LORD?
What is our purpose for being here? What has God placed in Your’s and my hearts, and you and God know…
The LORD said to me that many of the desires that I have in my heart are desires that HE has FOR ME. God is not some God that makes people and ignores us. NO! He is a Loving, intimate, attentive, caring, compassionate Father.
That is what He created us for.
So we must dare to believe. For Himself. He Delights in us... He loves it when we come to Him for help, or for answers, or for anything we need, because in us is HIS Glory, and in Him we are fulfilled and gratifyed and blessed better than any other way possible. Because GOD IS GOOD!!!
One thing besides the list that I wrote earlier also keeps the LORD from fulfilling His Promises in our lives, and that one thing (which ALL the others fall into) is SIN.
Unbelief is sin, fear can be classified as sin, doubt is certainly sin, mistrust is sin( 1 corinthians 13 the love chapter claims that love always trusts) so if we do not trust we are not living in love therefore it is sin.
So, I would like now, to encourage your faith.
I want to use a few examples from the Word, to open your minds, hearts and spirits to the Power of The Holy Ghost; And to realize and discover what kindof God we really serve.
I hope you all can catch all this, and may the Holy Spirit give understanding as He so pleases.
Let’s consider the Gospel, it means “Good News” in the original text… some of the things that have really made me question MY faith and say, well, if God can do that, then…what can't HE do??!!???!
Are for example, when Jesus awoke Lazarus from death. In John chapter 11. The Lord Jesus Christ (not only was resurrected by God Himself) but rose a man from the dead. The Bible says that Lazarus “stank” as dead, and if you read the gospel carefully, you will read that they had to also take the grave clothes off him.
You know what I really want to say?? Why Can’t God be goodto us? He is good! So Why do people not believe in Him like they say they do? Because they really don’t believe.
God is good all of the time. Anything that we perceive as wrong or evil from God, is not really from God but is from the devil. And the fact that we humans “believe” that something evil would come from God is a LIE from the Devil, whose name means “Deceiver”. Does that make sense now? He will try to reduce your faith in God by putting bad things in your life or causeing problems to the point thta you think God is against you, but in reality it is one of Satan's main tactics of "DECIEIVING" you (into fearing God, distrustung God, giving up on God, not believeing in God).
We have to KNOW who our enemy is in order to be able to fight and destroy him.
His name is also “Accuser”,
“Accuser of the Brethren”,
“Enemy” ,
“Imposter”, - just to show you who the devil really is.
I just want to challenge your all’s faith, because I can sit here and list a bunch of faithful things that the LORD has done, (in the Bible) but in my perception that would be like rewriting the Whole Bible here… so I just want to challenge your faith, and ask you,
“Why can’t God do something awesome in your life?"
“Where is Your faith?”
JESUS said that if we have faith as a grain of a mustard seed, that we can say to a mountain to move and it will obey us, and that we can say for anything to happen and it will.
What is a mustard seed, and what does it look like?
What mountains do you want to move out of your way~ into the depths of the sea?
All you have to do is simply believe.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
believe like a child
Posted by i angel at 18.7.10
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The Lord placed energy on forgiveness, for when we forgive, we are free.
I'm not sure what exactly you are reading here, if this comment is about this post or if you just wanted to say that. I agree that forgiveness brings freedom (from the hurt persons anger/hate/resentments), but one thing that the Lord has dealt with me about is where Jesus says, "if he is sorry, forgive him"
now, someone can be "sorry", but not enough to quit being hurtful to someone.
I have given too much forgiveness to my wrong, like when Jesus said do not cast your pearls before swine, and to not give what is holy to the dogs.
Unfortunatley I was letting myself believe words that I wanted to hear, without actually SEEING the FRUITS of REPENTENCE in the person-who-hurt-me's life.
So.. in my eyes it is all under the Blood, and I've learned that alot of what we go through even in relationships is much deeper than we think, and also has a lot more to do with the other person, at least in my relationships.
Does any of this make sense? (to you?)
Forgive thy self first, because the hurt we hold on to, from others or ourself, creates hell in our life. So let go of the bad. Remember the woman said, the dogs already eat of the scraps that fall from the table.
Jesus forgave those who took his life and those who said he was a false prophet of a whore, and those laughed at him, the Lord Christ forgave all this and more. So, I ask you, is your suffering more then Christ's suffering? If not, then forgive as he commanded, even those swine that dirty your pearls. If you don't forgive 7,70,700 or 7000 times you will be bound by your own unforgiveness. After all, God will judge the souls of man. So please releive yourself of this burden, forgive and have faith in the justice of the Lord. Be free!
About the blog, why define what is and is not God? God is everything, the begining and the end, God knows everything, he is all places all the time. The truth is the world or cosmos were created by God, maybe through the hands of man, but God created all living things. And there was no sin at first. But people like us wanted to know the knowledge of good and evil, so they eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which the Lord asked them not to eat of, and that is were the origin of sin is in the bible. The judgement of good and evil. Christ said " love your enemy." The free will God has given is so I can see myself and you can see yourself. So the real question is not, is God good? The real question is are you good? And we all Know what Christ said.
I am good!!!
I really dont know if these are from the same person or more than one person, but the first thing I want to say is, if I do forgive, and the person that I need to forgive, continues to hurt me, how then can I forgive them, if they do not quit? (I have been through this before)
And I do not think my suffering is more than Christs, but if He did not suffer, He would not be who He is, nor where He is. ANd why that is I do not know.. Only God knows.
I know that "God will judge the souls of men", but from the old testament to Jesus Christ sin must bear punishment -at leats according to God- to be forgiven, so, I ask you again, if someone sins against (you or me) and we "forgive" them of that sin, by not retaliating, or by letting them go unpunished, how then do we (you or I) get free from them imposing their wrong will on us, and also how do you purge the sin from them? (Not that its your job nor mine, but for the sake of lets say, Solomon's wisdom?)
~About the blog, I'm not trying to define God as good what I'm saying is that some people I have met- have experiebnced events in thier own lives, and said, well God must not love me, or God doesnt care about me, etc etc- but what I am saying is He DOES care and HE does love, and the "evil" that we sometimes percieve to be from God is not from God (Who is always Good) but from the Devil who is a Complete deviever and who makes people think that evil is from God.
We are all good and bad... God created good and bad.
This is Life- I guess we need to percieve God as all good to believe that He loves us.. ??
the question about being good... um, sometimes. :)
Sometimes I can be real bad, too.
So ... you tell me!
ok, also, to reiterate with the sin need punishment to be forgiven as we attain forgiveness thru Christ punishment- if the "offender" is not a Christian believer then what, as is in my case.
Thanks for all the comments by the way... I think I needed someone to hash this out with~
Yea nice talk.
I think if someone thinks God is bad to them or that God does not love them, they are most of all self centered, and second they are choosing this conclution about life based on that self centered perspective.
I read once, ' Average men see everything as a blessing or a curse, but enlightened men know life always just is.' They react to both the same. So give thanks for your suffering because Christ suffered and so have many life changing people. God does good in every life and in every action, no matter how painfilled.
John Ch 12. verse 28;
"Father glorify thy name"
As far as are you Good? What do you mean by really bad? Its hard to know becuase it is so subjective. I think its like Star Wars, are you light or darkness. I am both but I will myself into the light.
I think evil is believing the devil is real. It's all you, not evil angels. And if there are devils, Christ defeated them, so this means the battle is over. The Light of God is. Open eyes see!
I don't believe in evil.
You are Good, 'i angel' you are Good. Good God Good!!!
I think we all have "good and bad" meaning honestly, sometimes goodwilled thoughts and sometimes bad or evil willed thoughts, but how we choose to act or not to act on those thoughts is often where judgment is placed upon us. So, I think as far as saying someone is good, like as in a good person, that (most) people judge by is how they act, or what they do, regardless of what thier inner motives/thoughts/desires may or may not be.
So... for me, being good or bad I guess I say sometimes I feel like I am really good, like when I want to serve the LORD with myself, and want the best for other people (vs. feeling evious, self-pitying) and I think I am "bad" when I feel those ways but usually they come from places inside of me where I feel like I fall short of what I want in life- if that makes any sense.
But usually if I turn to Jesus and just be thankful for what I have and sometimes for what I do not have- than I am ok.
I think so much of who we are is fluid-
but, besides all of this I want to thank you, You, because last night I was sitting in my living room and the Lord really touched my heart with somethings that were buried deep inside me that I so needed Him to see and free me from... and these things had been hidden for years and years- and I just want to say thank you because I believe you were praying for me.
God bless you and <3 Love~
God know the secrets of us and this is why some don't see the fruits of success. Outward they show one thing, but God knows the truth inside.
And then there is Christ, who's good fruit suffered and died on the cross. So only God know why.
New Life
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