Monday, December 28, 2009

Faith or Fear?

Do you walk by faith or by fear?

Does your faith offend people. Of course it does!
Jesus told us that the world will hate us. Because we are not of this world!
Jesus offended people.... why does faith in God offend people?
Because -
because they have sin.
Because they don't want to repent- because they have pride. Because they have never really put thieir faith and trust in God. Maybe they don't really know Him?
Some people honor other people's pride more than they honor the Truth.
Hopefully they will see the Truth, and change for the Good!
"for we can do nothing against the truth, only for it."
"Whatever is not of faith is sin".
"faith works by love..."
"For if I have faith that can move mountains, but have not love I am nothing. "
I Love!
I LOVE love- I love the LORD. I Love His commandments, and I love His People!

Be Blessed!
~I AM!

From A New Thing Ministries

Pearls from A New Thing Ministries December 28, 2009

Here are two prophecies that I wanted to share with you today - I believe they will speak encouragement to many of you.

THE TRUMPET by Bill Burns --
Dec. 28, 2009:
I would prophecy to you in the name of Jesus Christ that He is for you and not against you. He knows what you have gone through, and He knows where He is about to take you. He wants you to know today that out of the bad will come the good. And, out of that which is weak will come the strength. Out of the trouble that has come into your life God Himself will make a judgment in the heavenlies and overturn Satan's ruling. The glory of His majesty will be found as a canopy over you. The Lord says to you today, do not be disheartened, do not be discouraged, My children. Only believe, rise up in faith; rise up to your kingdom position; rise up to a new level of faith. Rise up, I say, and know that I am for you. I am leading you and guiding you into the fullness of your destiny, and I will be with you on this journey until the very end of the age. Your destiny has already been sealed; it has already been written and it shall come to pass if you will only believe. Abide in Me, walk with Me, stay with Me through the storms of life, and the greatness of the kingdom shall be your gift. Out of that kingdom shall flow all that you need, all that you require, all that you desire, says the Lord of Hosts.

By Debra Lowe
December 28, 2009
The Spirit of the Lord says; Do not fret over the transitions and changes that I have allowed in your life. Most of the things that have been removed; whether people, familiar situations or circumstances, would have obstructed you from reaching the ultimate goal or position that I Am bringing you to. Some familiarities would have been an obstacle, while others would have been a deterrent to keep you from running unhindered. Others would have caused you to be snared by the enemy of your soul and stopped completely. Let them go! These obstructions in your life have hindered you from the clarity of great revelation. These revelations are necessary in order for these times of transition. These changes have all been about bringing My people up to a higher level, changing how you see and what you see as being genuine and real. Now you must release the load of weights that have caused your run to become sluggish and tiresome to you. Your flight will be glorious, as you and I, shake from you all that would detain you from reaching your proper place and position in Me. I have already spoken to you that the way would be narrow and not many will choose that way. The way is made so that your eyes should only look forward and stay focused on Me and all that is vital to the Kingdom and its advancement. This narrow, constricted passageway will lead you to the wide open spaces of living in the realms of My Spirit. My Holy Spirit has been directing your course, you may have struggled on this course, yet you did not fight against Holy Spirit. Because you chose to yield to Holy Spirit, you will reach your destination with more power, more glory, more anointing, more wisdom and more understanding of Me and My ways. You have now entered into a new position and place of authority. because of your endurance during times of transition. New keys are now placed in your hands for the opening of doors that you thought was locked to you. You will enter boldly now without fear or shame. You will walk into your promised territory, holding your head high, for you have kept the faith and stayed true to Me and My Word. Your focus remained on Me and the Kingdom, even through the darkest times of change. For your faithfulness you will abound with blessings and rewards. You were not lead astray by the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, or the pride of life. These three have slain many strong men of faith, yet, your love for Me remained strong. I Am well pleased with you, My children. Keep moving on the path of holiness and your destination will always be glorious! Stay focused and My light will forever brighten your steps into the right position of holiness.

Saturday, December 26, 2009


If you live in or near Deland/ DeLeon Springs area and would like to come and worship the LORD this New Year we are having our 12th Annual Winter Camp Meeting at:

Calvary Full Gospel Church 
5455 North HWY 17, DeLeon Springs
(just off on the right when you get through the town DeLeon Springs)
386-985-6501 for questions or directions

There will be preachers from Texas, Alabama, Georgia, Florida~ It's always an Anointed and Blessed time in the LORD. 
Hope you come and join us!

Services are Tuesday and Wednesday 6:30-9:00pm, food afterwards
Thursday 6:30 we will be bringing in the New Year with the LORD!
food will be served!

Come worship the Lord this New Year, You will be Blessed!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Wishing Everyone a Very Merry Christmas and I want to remind all of us that the reason for the season is because the LORD GOD LOVES US ALL!!!!
Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday JESUS!

Love the LORD ye His saints !!!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Sex, Please!

I have a confession...
I can't wait 'til the day that I'm married and can say to my husband, "Honey, let's have sex!"

I mean, that's what husbands are for, right?
Not that I walk around in lust or carnally minded all the time, but it is something that God created for us people to have and enjoy and reap from-right?
Think about it.... all humans are created with sexual capacaties.
Why is that???
It is something we are born with--- like--- human nature. Just like, eating, or drinking, or pooping ....

BUT - I KNOW that there is a time and a place for everything.
When you have to go to the bathroom, you don't just drop your pants and poop on the floor in Wal-Mart. When you feel the urge to go you don't poop your pants in the car, do you??
(I really really hope not!!!)
And when your hungry, you don't just pick leaves off trees and eat them, or make a salad out of grass from your yard... and you can't eat your dishes and be satisfied.
I think sex and food and all the wonderful parts of human nature were and are created for God's glory and our GOOD.

the Bible says when God created man (AND WOMAN) that they were "GOOD".
The Word of God is something that does not change.
I really don't hink God created us as sexual beings to punish us or restrain us in some weird controlling way. I truly believe in moderation and temperance, but it is always something that we humans have to live with.
It's a spiritual war, remember?
But thank GOODNESS we are on the WINNING Team. WE have already WON the battle... we just have to walk in our victory!

I also think that men who use thier wives as scapegoats or think that women are less than men maybe don't think very highly, or let me say, good, of themselves. God created man and woman to be one. There is order, but one cannot be one without the other.
I believe in mutual respect, and mutual love.
And I believe husbands and wives should enjoy what God created them for.
~Your's Truly

Friday, December 18, 2009


I have been thinking about envy for a little while.
Does it ever seem like when you reach a place in your life where you are happy or blessed and someone you know comes along and "seems" happy for you, but you can tell deep down inside that thier jealous, or hurting or feel like they wish they had what you have?
That is called envy.
I have dealt witht this before- when something happens in (my) life and people who I feel like I can trust turn around and (I think) are envious deep down. And where does it come from?
I believe it comes from a few reasons:
I think first of all some people don't realize what they have. They are always looking at what other people have, making comparisons, trying to make what they have seem better or worse than what someone else has because they are afraid of dealing with other people's possible jealousy.
Then I think people forget to appreciate what they have. Maybe they are spoiled and get everything they want. Or maybe they never got what they want and felt deprived- like they never had what others had.
But I think we as people should be ultimatley only need Jesus and the love of God to be fulfilled, full, whole.
THEN, the last thing, which I got from the LORD last night while I was praying about it, is, envy, NV.
N= No

NV = No Victory

People get envious when they see others walking in victory.
I don't want to digress into some long letter about why, but if they people who are envios really want to be happy and have a fulfilling life, then they (and sometimes WE) - need to turn away from the public eye and look at ourselves in the mirror and see what kinds of changes we can make to have a better life, and turn to God and ask Him to help us- let me tell you, without Him, we can do nothing!!! (Yet He loves us so much and it is His desire to lift us, help us, cleanse us, lead us through to victoryand glory!)

Living a life of Victory isn't something that just happens
It is Work. It is a PROCESS.
It takes T-I-M-E.
It takes godly virtues that we have to practice, like faith, patience, love, trust, truth; So on and so forth.
It also takes a willing heart. An obedient heart. A faithful heart.

Sometimes you have to be willing to be broken. You might have to be willing to lose. You might have to be willing to go where you've never gone before.
But God always mends what he breaks. He will make you victorious through His Son, and through the blood He shed on the cross for us. Jesus said that the enemy comes to teal kill and destroy- but that He (Jesus) cames that we might have life and have it more ABUNDANTLY.
He will be with you on the journey that He wants to take you on~ and it will be better than what you have ever hoped or believed for!
What an AWESOME GOD, we have! Praise Him and Give Him aLL the GLORY! He is worthy!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Psalm 101

1 I will sing of your love and justice; to you, O LORD, I will sing praise.
2 I will be careful to lead a blameless life— when will you come to me? I will walk in my house with blameless heart.
3 I will set before my eyes no vile thing. The deeds of faithless men I hate; they will not cling to me.
4 Men of perverse heart shall be far from me; I will have nothing to do with evil.
5 Whoever slanders his neighbor in secret, him will I put to silence; whoever has haughty eyes and a proud heart, him will I not endure.
6 My eyes will be on the faithful in the land, that they may dwell with me; he whose walk is blameless will minister to me.
7 No one who practices deceit will dwell in my house; no one who speaks falsely will stand in my presence.
8 Every morning I will put to silence all the wicked in the land; I will cut off every evildoer from the city of the LORD.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Passionate This Love

~Passionate …
this Love I’ve found – The Desire that turned my world around-
The blood sweat and tears – of fighting all these years –
Has been the cost of my redemption-

But the Price He paid- in His Passionate Way-
Has given me a life Redeemed- with a Hope and a Future – and a New Song to Sing~
So, don’t hold back – Don’t cut me any slack-
I want to be Pure- Passionate and Sure-
And I’m not ashamed –Because I Know His Name-
It’s the Only one I Call On- Because He’s the Only One I can Fall On.
So I pray, and empty my heart of these distractions – And I ask the Lord, to Fill me with His Passion
For Life, in Love, in Truth-
-From henceforth and Forever-
To Serve Him, and follow through-
Make connections in the Ressurection-
Love one another- Be good to your brother-
Do to them what you want done to you-
They are your reflections, Living Examples
And Christ Connections
Be Right to me
You smile at me
And LORD I know you look at me
~This heart you see—and ~you set me free~

To You

Devotion and a PrayerPoem

“It is the calling of great men, not so much to preach new truths, as to rescue from oblivion old truths it is our wisdom to remember and our weakness to forget”
- Siang Smith

Proverbs 29:25
The fear of man brings a snare; but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe.

Proverbs 18:24
A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.
(Jesus is my BEST FRIEND!)
Psalm 34:14
Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace and pursue it.

Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace
Isaiah 9:6

Isaiah 61
Jesus came so I would hear the Goodnews!
He has comforted and healed my broken heart!He has set me free from captivity- He has loosened me and let me out of prison!He has told me everything will be alright and that God sees everything, and that He Himself is LORD of ALL!
He has made my feet to dance and my lips love to rejoice in Him!
He has strengthened me in His Truth-
He is building me, raising me up and repairing my life, my self, my soul –
For His Glory and my Good!
I do not have to suffer to be close to the LORD.
God wants good for me-
Even if people don’t understand that – I will continue to Believe Him!
James 3:18
And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace.

“baby leave it all behind”
Dan haseltine, jars of clay

“If you weather love and lose your innocence, just remember- lesson one.”
(BOYS-‘lesson one-‘Jars of Clay)

When will you be happy?
When will you you have peace?
Where does your peace come from?
Are you thankful?
Are you happy?

“A ship is safe in harbor, but that’s not what ships are for” anonymous.


Peace and hope
Can you step outside yourself –
And look at yourself?
Do you see what you need?
Can you see what I see?
Do you watch me fall? Can you hear my call?
I’m falling – my heart’s falling inside –
As I wipe my own eyes-
This place I’ve longed to see –
I put my faith with my patience – in love –
Like making a new color to see –
Or writing a new song to sing –
-trust isn’t always about the other person-
Relationships are not always only about me – or who “I” love
There is a divine purpose behind it all –
There is a reason- that is His Way.
Pray .
God will reveal Himself to those who pray.
And ask for Him.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

'Xcuse me while I vent...

I got pulled over about three weeks ago for having a headlight out, but the officer also mentioned that when he dove by me I was not wearing my seat belt.
It was late, and I was in a neighborhood and hadn't yet gotten on or even near the main road yet. And when I passed the police car I did put on my seat belt, like, right then.

But about a block down the road I saw him turn around and he was right behind me and he turned on his lights and pulled me over.
I pulled into a gas station and he came up to my window with flashlight and everything.
I was also getting really sick, I had almost lost my voice (I actually went to the dr. two days later and had to get a powerful shot to kick the sickness, whatever it was).
And anyways, the police man was like, interrogating me.
I told him I felt like he was interrogating me, he was literally making me upset.
I told him in my defence of not having my seatbelt on that I was still in the neighborhood, and that I always wear my seatbelt, and that if and when I might ever not have one on and I do see a cop, I put it on right then and there. (these things are the TRUTH!)
He let me go for the headlight but gave me a $101 ticket for no seat belt-
And he was very... abrasive. I told him that there are criminals he should be trying to find, instead he was interrogating me for not wearing my seatbelt!

It made me think awhile after, actually when I had met Mario Mopar I talked to him about it or maybe thought about it and I thought this:
I always thought "being corrupt" meant like, if a cop who swears to be a good citizen and be a good patrol like, if a cop were to keep the drugs he confiscates or if he speeds or stuff like that, that that would be corrupt.
But now I think its corrupt for what I have seen.
Cops interrogating the (not innocent, maybe less innocent?) than the real reason a community needs police.
Ok, so theres drug dealers, drug addicts, murderers, theives out there. All these crimes are related. Yet, for some reason police seem to let them slide by, and instead ask a million questions to some girl who just wanted to go home.

Maybe I am still mad that I have to pay a ticket when I always do wear my seatbelt.
But I also think maybe people need to get real.
Deal with the things that need to be dealt with.
Ya think???

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Psalm 51
1Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy lovingkindness: according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions.
2Wash me throughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin.
3For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me.
4Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight: that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest.
5Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.
6Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts: and in the hidden part thou shalt make me to know wisdom.
7Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.
8Make me to hear joy and gladness; that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice.
9Hide thy face from my sins, and blot out all mine iniquities.
10Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.
11Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me.
12Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.
13Then will I teach transgressors thy ways; and sinners shall be converted unto thee.
14Deliver me from bloodguiltiness, O God, thou God of my salvation: and my tongue shall sing aloud of thy righteousness.
15O Lord, open thou my lips; and my mouth shall shew forth thy praise.
16For thou desirest not sacrifice; else would I give it: thou delightest not in burnt offering.
17The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.
18Do good in thy good pleasure unto Zion: build thou the walls of Jerusalem.
19Then shalt thou be pleased with the sacrifices of righteousness, with burnt offering and whole burnt offering: then shall they offer bullocks upon thine altar.

The LORD recently let me walk through something that really really humbled me. He does that sometimes, I think, so that I don't forget that we are all human, and that we are all His.
Sometimes I was judging people. Sometimes I was feeling high and mighty. But He is Faithful in so many ways.
He is so intimate. And He is so Wise. He is also the Most Loving One I have ever experienced in my Life.
O, How I love You, LORD! You are more than a Father to me; You are my Friend, my Saviour, my Trusted Companion, My Confidant, My Teacher.
I love You, Lord. ~

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Thoughts on Thoughts

I just read my post... and I also just read postsecret. (One of the blogs I follow- I recommend checking it out, just for thought) I really get inspired when people get free, even if its just by sending in postcards of "secrets" that they keep.

It made me also think... who are we hiding from? And why do we hide?

We hide from each other- because we judge each other- we condemn each other. We criticize each other and we hurt each other.

But I don't wanna hide anymore- and I don't wanna judge or condemn or criticize or hurt people anymore!

I'm over trying to be perfect for people- we are not here to please each other anyway!

We are here to please God!

And I am not your judge anyway- and your not mine!

God is the judge- Jesus said the Father judges no one- but has left all judgement to the Son- but ya know what else he said from His very lips was "judge no one-lest ye be judged, condemn no one, or you will be condemned- for how you judge you will be judged..."

You know, if we could just get real with ourselves and not be afraid of what other people think... I think we'd be much better off, maybe even happy !

Some people live thier lives in so much fear of what others think it stops them from living thier lives!!! Theyre afraid of others judgments!

How would u feel if you found out you were making someone feel like they were too afraid to do something or be what they want to be because they didnt want you to judge them!!??

Proverbs 29:25

Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD will be kept safe.

Some people would rather make other people happy and get "praise from men" rather than take a stand and make God happy and forget what men think.

You know what? At the end, the only one that's gonna be there with you is God. The Lord. Those people that praise you and butter you up and flatter you and make you feel like something special are not gonna be there for you. Nope. I think the "Enemy" sends people just like that into our lives to puff us up- and we get blinded from the truth by our own ego- or by impressing other people and thinking we're something were not!

It's one of the oldest tricks satan has used.

My pastor often says there's nothing good in us. I think there is good in us, but that it comes from God.

I tend to think a lot differently that most preachers I hear - but thats ok, I understand that maybe they are on another level than me. I do not lift myself up- we all have our place. No body is perfect in and of ourselves! That is for sure!

But we have the Lord.

The other thing I want to remind people is that we are going to mess up. We can try to pretend like we're perfect, or like everytime we sin it's ok because the blood of Jesus covers us- and it does- if we repent. But we will not walk through this life sinless. No one is sinless except Jesus. He is our perfect example. If we were sinless, we would not have needed Jesus. I also get the feeling sometimes that people think once saved always saved. I think yes,once saved always saved - but how saved do you want to be? How much life do you want to live? I don't think we should be messing up all the time and asking for Jesus when we are capable of being good. We need to desire righteousness- the Word says the heart of man is desperatly wicked- so why don't you pray for a clean heart?

God can make you clean.

I am just here to tell you that.

Not teaching you anything.

Just giving you a message.

God is more than an idea.

Love is more than a feeling.

Life is more than what we see.

OR think.

I said once, the only limits you have are the ones you place on yourself.

People are capable of AMAZING things!

Read Bear Grilz's testimony. (From man vs. wild)

And we are ALL created in God's image.

I believe we are all an expression of the Creator- and do you ever think - we are here at the same time. I'm not here sitting with william shakespear, and I don't live in Germany. No. I'm right here- right now.

And so are you.


My soul is so moved right now...... I wish people would realize.... what we hav been given. I wish people would just give in and love- and trust and believe in love.

4Love endures long and is patient and kind; love never is envious nor boils over with jealousy, is not boastful or vainglorious, does not display itself haughtily.
5It is not conceited (arrogant and inflated with pride); it is not rude (unmannerly) and does not act unbecomingly. Love (God's love in us) does not insist on its own rights or its own way, for it is not self-seeking; it is not touchy or fretful or resentful; it takes no account of the evil done to it [it pays no attention to a suffered wrong].
6It does not rejoice at injustice and unrighteousness, but rejoices when right and truth prevail.
7Love bears up under anything and everything that comes, is ever ready to believe the best of every person, its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances, and it endures everything [without weakening].
8Love never fails

People say they are Christians.

What did Christ ask us to do?

What did He say makes us His friend?

To keep His commandments. To love one another.

Is His Word in you? Are you in Him?

I am.

I pray for you to be in Him - and His Word be in you. And in us- Forevermore.

Yes, LORD.

Happy Sunday!

Hi everybody! How are y'all? Good I hope :)
I went to church this morning, and it was very good. My great pastor preached on 1 Corinthians 15:51-58. But one part (that popped out at him) also pops out to me. Verses 55 & 56:
O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.

I read this - yet I think on Jesus. If we live according to His Way- (He is THE WAY) - then the law is love.
See, my pastor preached on death. And my pastor is an awesome preacher, I love him to pieces. But I was about ready to preach today myself!
My pastor saidwhenhe was preaching- do we have power to resist sin? Can we resisit sin in our flesh- on the earth.
He looked at me.
I spoke and said-we can if we have the Anointing.
He asked me if I had the anointing.
I said yes.
He then asked me if I had ever sinned under the anointing-
I didn't speak because I know my pastor well enough to know that he always goes back to that we all need a Saviour. (trust me, I know this about the man! I'm pretty sure that is where he was going!)
But during the service I kept thinking as he was preaching...
about covetness, about envy (never being satisfied with our blessings or maybe not even recognizing how blessed we are!) and lust and adultery.
And all I kept thinking was how if people were grateful for the blessings they have.... they wouldn't want ... and if people were not afraid or jealous or faithful, they wouldn't be envious. And if men and women would love thier husbands and wives and see the ministry in thier marriages, and realize that God gave them to them for them (can ya catch that?) then they would always love and be loved and thier marriages would be so fulfilling they wouldn't lust or commit adultery ......
it just makes sense to me.
People always preaching but are they praying?
We want a difference but can we make a difference?
We were raised to be self- gratifying. W are raised self- centered by our society but that isn't a good way to be.
At least I don't think so.
I am grateful for what I have been given, and I'm not saying my pastor or anybody I know is anyof these ways, but I am just like everybody and I know that we all have our own walk with the Lord and we all have growing to do.
It doesn't matter how old you are or how much you've lived or how long you go to church.
I heard Joyce Meyer the other night on tv say how many years she and her husband went to church in anger and would put on a happy face as soon as they got on the premisis to make it seem like everything was a-ok, but in the truth they were always fighting at home.
I talked to my grandpa today and he and my grandma have been going to church for the past year, and he told me how he was raised in a church where he didn't really get taught the Word or God and how nobody ever taught him how to read the Word and understand it but that now he goes to a church where the pastor breaks down the meaning and teaches it to him so he can recieve it.
So, it just goes to show you that it doesn't matter how old you are or how long you go to church or what position you are in church we all have growing to do and we all truly need the Lord, and each other.
I love you all so very veyr much, and from the least to the greatest to the known and the unknown I hope with all my heart that through my writing I can inspire and encourage and comfort someone- even if it's just one!
Because I know sometimes it's hard to talk to people about what goes on inside us, sometimes we don't even understand- but we have to learn to trust- to trust the Lord and His love for us- He truly does love us. And we have to somehow learn to trust ourselves- like we have to learn to respect ourselves, and we have to learn to respect others. It's all part of life....
this gift we have been given by God!
What a gift it is!
I praise Him for it!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Overcome and Find the Way!

I have been thinking about being an overcomer. I have been thinking about what it means to have overcome some things in my life. And how I have felt about it (at the time of victory), how I feel about it when I talk to others, and how I feel about overcoming obstacles in my life - like, in the Big Picture.
I think some people overcome a thing and stop right there. I think they think it's enough to have overcome something, or that maybe it was just like a problem that needed to be solved. Like quitting smoking- or quitting drugs - or overcoming being overweight. I think we, in our struggles, become blinded by the real purpose of why we need to overcome the obstacle (whether its addiction, sin, or self)- and when we overcome, we think it's over, and we stop right there.
But I want to let you know today that the end of one thing is just the beginning of another!
Like they say, "when God closes one door, He opens another!
There was and is a reason "why" we need to overcome certain "obstacles" in our lives. Not just to be sober or thin, or clear-minded, or clean.

The real reason we overcome is because God has a Purpose and Plan for your life.
He cannot take you where He wants you in the way you're in. So He has to wait on you to clean up your act. If that means get clean from drugs or alchohol, or losing 150 pounds, or getting an education, or what. You fill inthe blank.

See, it doesn't stop at the point when you give up the addiction and gain the victory over it in your life - no, that is only the beginning. That is when God can show you that He has a better life for you. That He has a specific plan for your life, that He thought of before you were even formed in your mother's womb!
Sometimes we get so wrapped up in sin or addictions or cares of this life or our own selfishness and neediness that we almost completely forget that GOD created each and everyone of us with a specific plan and purpose for HIS unique design!
We need to realize that overcoming drugs or alchohol or getting out of a bad relationship is not the end in and of itself- it is the beginning of your journey~ it is a step in the right direction, it is ride you've been waiting for, my friends!

~ Don't get all puffed up when you think you have accomplished a big thing by getting off drugs or staying sexually pure or saving your money or losing the weight - yes, getting free from all that is GREAT! Let me not take your joy by anymeans - but if we try to make ourselves seem big by what we used to do or used to "be" - that is "glorying in our shame". We shall not glory in our shame. There are probably other people who have done worse things and overcome them or people who never even thought about doing the stuf some of us have done who are successful in thier lives and just thankful for not even having been through the horrors of drugs or abuse or sexual impurities - so let's not be proud in who we think we are or were. That is not wise.

We should not even want to be associated with what we used to do or be or how we used to think - I mean, we're trying to stay as far away from being those ways as possible, right???

So, then, we need to leave those things which are behind us IN THE PAST and press on towards the HIGH CALLING of our LORD JESUS CHRIST!

The Prize is INCOMPARABLE to what we can think dream or imagine! The Bible says so!!!
So we should be ever so glad to be free from our sin, we should stand firm on our deliverance, our "overcoming" obstacles - sin, addiction, selfishness- and then we should SEEK GOD with all of our hearts. And have Him help us find our Way!
Because there's a reason we have overcome!
Let's find our purposes in Him and fulfill them, shall we?? :)

For we overcome by the word of our testimony and by the Blood of the Lamb!
Thank You Jesus!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Mario Mopar

I was at Dunkin Donuts last night by my lonesome, I was kindof in distress thinkin' maybe if I went there to chill out I would feel better. I was trying to write one of my friends an email but no words were coming to me, I actually wrote one then deleted it because it didn't make much good sense in my sight. So, all the while here was an old man sitting across a table away from me and in the moments of my near dispair I would look up and look his way- and he was an older man older than older but not quite old- he had a full white beard, well groomed but not wiry and perfectly round like some- it was softer looking and some parts of the sides turned out ward instead of around.... he had white hair on his head but the very top was bald... and I knew he had seen me and was probably wondering what I was doing- and I was reaching certain emotional places where I search for something more--- like David when he says his eyes fail, my eyes were failing- as I was searching for my God... looking here and there- it wasn't so dramatic I was trying to keep it together in up in DD' - but I was having a bit of a moment... so I closed my yahoo email and something on the next screen said some names of people who I know are bold and I looked at the old man again and by now we had made eye contact one or twice and so he was looking down at his magazine in front of him and I finally just said, "hey, What's your name?"

he looked up..
"What's your name?" I said again
"Mario- what's your's?"
"OH, Ashleigh! " Smile. Warm, gentle, sweet.
I searched my soul and kept trying to search for the Lord thinking maybe this guy was sent by God to speak to me of (Him) the Lord. So... I asked him if he believed in God.
"Of course..." he said. I could see in his eyes when he said that like he thought of God in his life- like in a second. (yet eternally)
I tried to see if I could think of what to say about my delimma or what could I ask advice on or how can I get the answer I'm looking for from him...
after some short talk and I was becoming less feeling like I needed to ask him of anything regarding my personal life, (because you never know when you will meet an angel on the streets)
I asked him what he was looking at and he had already told me he was down here from up north for a car auction, andthen he told me he was looking at a car magazine. not autotrader (i dont think)
So, we talked about hot rods and cars and he told me a story about some kid that goes to his shop for his subaru and how the kid thinks his sub is great (the old guy deals mostly with cudas and Dodges and Pontiacs from the 60's and 70's - big fast cars) and then I started to leave and he was still telling me the story, and as I had got up to go and I was standing near his table listening to him finish and he really wanted to show me the trucks that one of the guys that goes to his shop likes (a friend of the kid with the Subaru) ~ we spent like 15 minutes looking at old hot rod cars, bonding over colors and prices andsuch things. simple, yes. but who knows...

Maybe I needed that connection, to remember that I am not alone. Maybe I needed that older guy, Mario, to be there at that very time , so that he and I could talk about Mustangs and cudas and 190, 000 dollar cars and if they're worth it or not, to keep my mind free ~
Who Knows!?
God knows what we need, When we need it!
And sometimes we don't get what we think we need, but what He knows we need~