Monday, July 8, 2013

The Key of David

THe Key of David is this, God looks at the heart, not at the outward appearance of man (and woman). Samuel thought David was too little, but God said anoint him, and he became the greatest king there ever was. God sees what we cannot see. We look back, we look around, we forget to look up (to Him), and also, we forget to look ahead. A year from now, five years from now, 15, 25, 40 years from now... make plans people. Live. But don't forget about God, and don't forget to love each other. Do you know how happy God is when "brothers dwell in unity"? And not just brothers, but us all. Why did Jesus tell us to love our enemies? Why did He tell us? TO embarrass us? To make us small and imbecilic? No, He told us to do this because He did it and because he knows that nothing can conquer love. It is the ultimate answer to all of life's questions. Just Love