Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Teach Me

I learn from myself. I think any wise person does. I'm not trying to boast, so I will rephrase my statement here, and say, I learn from the Holy Spirit- as He shows me my own self, as I grow in God. I grow and grow, I learn and I share.
My original idea tonight was to write about ministry, and how we strive to reach out to minister to people, but sometimes the ministry needs to begin inside our selves. Ministry to the self. Better yet, minister to God.
I am not saying at all not to reach out to people in need, please do. But seek the Lord for what He would truly have you do. We often do things, but sometimes, we wind up doing too much, and not listening to the LORD enough. I'm not saying HE can't use your works, or your charity, or your ministry, but let us not forget that God needs ministry, and so do we ourselves. We need one on one time with Him, where we can let Him into our heart and mind, because, the more we spend time with Him and open our hearts to Him, and talk to and listen to Him, the closer we get to Him, closer we are to Him. And when we are close to someone, we begin to resemble them, in actions, thoughts and ways.
When we spend time one on one with the Lord, in worship and when we take the time to listen to Him open-hearted, honest and humble, that ministers to His Heart. He loves spending time with us.
And His Word says when we draw close to Him, He draws close to us.