Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Truth From the Lies

What is the difference from the Truth and the lie?
How come people get decieved sometimes? Because lies are tricky and sometimes hard to distinguish as to whether they are real or not. And sometimes lies are pieces of truth twisted up- that is how most people get decieved. They think because some of what the lie is is truth, then it all must be truth and they settle for a lie.
But that is not the case with God. He is Complete and Full Truth. In Him is No lie. And The Truth is Rock Solid. It doesnt fail or falter- it proves itself Pure over and over again.
There is no question to Truth.
Sometimes people don't want to do or hear or believe the Truth, because it means they have to change, or go through and emotionally "embarrassing" situation, or give up something(s) they want to hold on to.
But if you really want the Truth- if you are truly desireing the One and Only Thing that will satiate and complete you- then seek the Truth. The Whole Truth. It will not lie!