Tuesday, March 9, 2010

10 Ways

10 Ways to Destroy a Relationship

10. Don't Communicate Honestly

9. Never Listen

8. Disrespect the other person's feelings, thoughts and ideas

7. Gossip about them - (talk about them instead of TO them)

6. Send them negative energy

5. Put the other person last on your list (Ignore the other's needs and desires)

4. Always be right, Make sure the other is always wrong

3. Be inconsiderate

2. Never Forgive (Never Believe in them, never pray for them..)

1. Hate the other person

10 ways to Keep a Relationship

10. Think good things about the other person often

9. Pray for that person, and pray how to be a blessing to the other person

8. Believe in the Very Best for the other person

7. Want the Very Best for the other person

6. Trust (Obedience--- also being open emotionally)

5. Be Responsible for Yourself

4. Be A Good Example...
3. Eat together

2. Give Room for Grace (pray together, or for each other)

1. Love the other person