Friday, July 10, 2009

True Freedom

I was thinking about how some people "do things" to be free... like, they think drinking or drugging "sets them free" or helps them "loosen up" or be more of "themselves"... but- in the Truth, those things hinder thier growth- reduces thier strength of character, and makes them just like everybody else...... yet destroys thier lives in the process.... the only way that they're like "everybody else" is that they are going against the Truth and Freedom and Liberty of God through Christ- the Truth the Life and the WAY.

"It is not for kings, O Lemuel,
not for kings to drink wine,
not for rulers to crave beer,
Lest they drink and forget
what the law decrees,
and deprive all the oppressed
of thier rights."
Proverbs 31:4-5

True Freedom comes from Christ-