Monday, January 20, 2014

Don't let that become your idol!

Don't let anything become your idol. Don't let your sexuality become your idol. If you have problems with it, pray about it, God has an answer, and His work was finished on the Cross. Don't let your fears or even your desires become your idol. God is greater than the things that so easily trouble us, and we need to learn to trust Him in our problems to show us how to overcome our life's obstacles when we struggle. Our desires are from God- but if we let them become our god, then there's no room for the True Living God - and that makes Him very jealous, at least that's what I have read in the Holy Bible, and, I understand why. If we allow ourselves to be consumed by desire, we wouldn't be responsible with the rest of our lives. Sometimes our desires need to be aligned with God's truths to be made manifest properly. And that's ok. God can make all things Right when we look for His ways. His ways are always better and higher than our ways. He loves us so much more than we even love our selves. ~ His ways are true~

Don't let your righteousness or religion become your idol. Our righteousness is nothing to God- it is His Righteousness in us that does the work that He wants us to do. We are His servants. We serve His purpose and fulfill His plans. Not our own.
Don't let your appearance become an idol. God doesn't look at the flesh- he looks at the heart. When we stop judging people by their appearances, we start to see things in God's Kingdom a lot more like He does. With a pure heart.

Don't let money become an idol. I like what I heard this weekend at church, It's all God's money anyways. (P Hawkins') It is His money- He gives and takes away- He entrusts it with us and we use it to serve His purposes. And HE does want to take care if us. A good father loves to take care of His children!

Don't let people places and things become your idols. I'm not saying don't love people places and things, love. Just don't forget God in all these things and in your love. He created everything for a purpose and everything for a reason. Ultimately His desire is for His own glory and greatness. He is our Maker and our Savior. He is our Father and Friend. He is the Lover of my soul and we can all say that, in the end. God is Good and don't forget all things are His! To His Righteous and Awesome name be all the Glory in heaven & earth! AMEN