Monday, October 3, 2011

Love is God is Love is Good all the time...

Some say Love is an action verb... Some say love is a feeling...Some say love is an emotion, or an idea.... Some say love is pain and hurt.
Some think they love when they say I love you... Some think love can not be seen.... Some think love can never be found... Some think love is inside of everything.
Some feel love when they smile... you can see it in their eyes... some feel love when they get a hug or a kiss.... it makes them warm and happy inside.... some feel love when they see the sunlight..... or a rainbow...... some feel love when they hear a special song.
Some think love is better to recieve than to give, some think otherwise.... and give.
I think love is a choice we make....
is it easy? Not always... sometimes its delightful..... love is more than just love to me... love is respect, and love is power, and love is boldness, and love is truth.
Love is a choice in the face of anything less than itself.

Love never fears.... Love never fails.... love never fades away, it cannot be quenched.... it doesn't die...
Love lives and is alive.... love is a choice for life.
You cannot unlove might stop loving at one point or another, but love is love is love and it exists....
The Bible says God is love..... so love then, is infinite... love is powerful, passionate, thoughtful, intelligent. Love is real and true and undeniable, and pure. Love is holy and precious and self-sacrificing and sometimes incomprehensible.
But that is what God is sometimes..... and love is always Good, as God is always good!