Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Loving till it Hurts

There is a verse in the Holy Bible that says a man of integrity will be faithful to his own hurt.
That means no matter how painful it might be to keep his word, he keeps it.
For instance, say you work at a bank, have bills backed up so far beyond reason that you're barely able to keep food on the table (this is kindof an extreme scenerio here), and, say, it would be real easy for you to slip some of the money that passed through your hands each day into your own pocket. Say you went home every night after working at the bank job counting thousands if not a million dollars a day, and dreamed of how nice and easy it would be to take that money and pay your bills off without anyone noticing, maybe even buy a new corvette or something... but you don't steal the money, and it hurts. And the reason you don't steal it (or "take" it) is because when you took that job, you gave your confidentiality, your commitment and your word to your employer that you were are and will be a faithful employee. A person of integrity. Honest. Good. Pure. Even when you're tempted not to be.

I am realizing that I am super sensitive to people sometimes. And I think we all can be, in our own given situations. But I also realized, that, when I am feeling, and being - key word here -(be-ing)- supersensitive, it has to do with what I want or expect the other person to behave like.

Even when I think I am "being the better person", love is not about being better than anyone else. That is still selfish! Selfcentered, vain, egotistical! Rediculous!
Real love, loves until it hurts, even when it hurts.... it does not stop loving just because of a feeling of pain.
Think about this, Proverbs says, wounds from a friend are faithful.......but the kisses from an enemy are deceitful.
think about that.
there is so much truth there to be discovered, if we really want to find it.
Love leads to understanding. Understanding leads to knowledge. Knowledge to wisdom, wisdom to life.... justice and mercy.

The Word of God is so good. Line upon line, precept upon precept. It remains pure, no matter what.

I am a liitle sleepy, so please forgive the rolling off here, but I hope you all kind of see what message I wrote you all for.
And Good Night!


Anonymous said...

So blessed are all those that love till it hurts for the pain is purification, and how many love us this way? not many, sometimes only God.

i angel said...

the pain can be purifying if we apply it to be. there are many parallels in the way God created life, and if you look at the human body, pain is always an indicator of something else that needs to be healed, corrected fixed.

as with pain in life.

the scripture reference was about having integrity over wickedness. but you have to consider also, that people that are pure before God's sight He rewards.