What do you think about people that justify their wrongs by saying other people's wrongs are ok?
Like saying, "Oh, the Jones' left their garbage cans out all week so we're ok for leaving ours out, even if it was only for half a week."
I see it as double evil.
I don't mean to get all political on ya or religious, but I had what I thought at one time was a group of friends, but when it came to the nitty-gritty I realized that they weren't really all they cracked themselves up to be, even though they seem to act like they are something they're not.
I see such people ... and I am aware of their fear- whether they are or not. Whether they choose to confront their fears or not, they will live in them untill they choose to deal face to face with reality. Not "their" reality, not what they think is reality, but- reality.
there are somethings that just ARE - and no matter how you try to make it right or wrong, you cannot make what is wrong, right, and you cannot make what is right, wrong.
Even if you decieve yourself into thinking (believing) that something wrong is right, that doesn't make it right- sorry to break it to ya, but you are not the ruler of the universe! That position is already taken!
And let me assure you, I speak with first hand knowledge, I know how easy it can be to decieve and trick ourselves into thinking all kinds of lies, excuses deceptions and falsehoods, in order to get what we want, hide from our shame or sin, or try to make our seves feel better.
And that is another issue that I want to mention as well.... making selves feel better.
So many times, people, deal with the "symptoms" of the issue, and not the actual issue itself.
Why is that?
(I am really funny about using the word "why" but I feel like this is the proper usage---- we should never question "why" someone "feels" a certain way, or "why" they did something, or "why" they think what they think.... that kind of usage of "why" is oppressive, disbelieveing and goes against the nature of freedom, --- we do what we do-- we all have freedom of choice- the question is, are you sure this is right, Are you positive that this is a good choice, is this what you want to do?)
Back to Why do not people deal with the issues, and only try to make them selves temporarily "feel" ok with themselves?
I really do not know the answer for each individuals life, I can only speak of my self, or give you my opinion (on someone else), but for me, I have learned that if I do not confront the real issue at hand, and only attempt to temporarily relieve they symptom(s) of the issue, I would still be left with an issue, maybe at an even greater depth of difficulty of overcoming, but I now know it is Way better to deal head-on with the ISSUE, and not the SYMPTOM of (the) problem- whatever it may be.
I think it must be scary or painful sometimes to admit our shortcomings, or faults, or setback, or even our weaknesses to each other, our families, and sometimes even our own selves! (Much less GOD!, the One who wants to HELP us with these infirmities!)
So what do we do?
What CAN we do?
We can begin the process of soul-searching. (Not others, our OWN!!! ;)
We can begin to really look at the areas of our hearts, and lives and even our own thoughts, and confront the things we think need to change (in order for us to truly address and deal with the "issues" and not just the "syptoms" ), and sometimes is can be scary.... because we might be so overwhelmed by our own foolishness, or wickedness, or embarrassed by our ignorance and so ashamed of our selves that we fear confronting or even thinkingh about such things because we feel alone, or that we "can't tell anyone" because they might reject us, or not understand, or laugh us off (to scorn), or think we're dumb or stupid for feeling or thinking the ways we feel or the things we think.
Believe me I've been through it. But.... I think in some ways we probably all have.... AND, I just want to write this and say thank good ness for Grace. Thank God for His Mercy. Blessed be the ones who are willing and tenacious in confronting themselves- you already know the blessings of truth, love and the grace of God through Jesus Christ! And I want to say also to those that maybe aren't where they want to be in life, or in their spiritual walk- maybe you know there is more for you, maybe you are not really as satisfyed as you truly desire to be- and maybe you think that life is never going to be completely fulfilling- maybe you think nobody will ever truly understand you---or truly care- I want to tell you that someone does understand, and that someone does care- His name is Lord Jesus.
I do not know how many "Believers" I have on here, but I can tell you, when I had no one, I had Jesus. He has been my Faithful Friend.
And when you find yourself all alone, with no one else to trun to, He will be there, and He will guide you, comfort you and show you the Way.
Like He did for me. (And always will!)
To make it easy and to close things up, let me put it to you like this, I can't heal or repair all you problems..... but there is One who can!
Be Blessed....and Remember, Jesus Loves You!!!!!!
(And so I do :)
Monday, February 8, 2010
Posted by i angel at 8.2.10
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Very Long very wordy kinda here kinda there nothing new nothing old same old story forever sold
quite bold and quite bland thank you Jesus nothing can pluck us from your hand, and only the Devil laughed honor to scorn for in his jealousy he has left no work of our Lord untouched may you touch the hearts of many unsaved plant and water and so enjoy watching God give growth while we grow gotta go be well and be in His Word
Thanks Brother.
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