Sunday, July 26, 2009

some sunday poems. love.

I feel the need to share some poems that I've written. Hope they speak to my readers. Godbless.

A Sinner's Prayer

Who is this you see? Is the LORD in you judging me?
Do you think I've done too much wrong-
That Jesus' blood can't cover me?
Are you looking at my sin or is it me you see within?
This is all I know to do to get my message through to you...
Look out-Look out here she comes
The girl who does what noone does-
She's a sinner- she's a whore-
She's a harlot- even more.
She's been around-walked up and down-
She's no good- don't want her in your neighborhood.
She's desperate- destitute and desolate-

Crucify me now- O LORD_it's the only thing left to do-
Ridicule me- with out within- I know its what my sin deserves-
I mocked my salvation-I loved my sin-
The pleasure was greater than God to me- see- look- look at my sin.
I am nothing-nothing now.

The sin of my youth-
the sin of my life
the sin of my history
and all of my strife.

My body-
A temple, destroyed.
My heart-
A hole, empty.

blink my eyes-longer than before-
I'm so close to dying but I know you want more-
You expect me to live in an abusive house-when I try to reach out- you let me fall again-
You let me sin and sin and sin-
then you let a man bring me back again -

I'm a woman-
I'm just a woman- that wants to run away---
I feel like you're not my friend- I feel like you let me down-
I'm embarrassed- I'm humiliated.
......They think I'm a bad person-they look at my sin-it's not me- they don't see my heart within.

i wrote this about a year ago...?

this one's a bit lighter!

The True Rhyme-Save a Raver

I used to be a raver-
but now I know my Savior
I thought I was hardcore
But now I know there's more
to life than what I see-
Because this life's a mystery

The King His Bride, the Church
Our hearts are knit together One in Him
The LORD our Blessed Saviour
Came to die for your and my sins..
So now accept Him faithfully-
Trust and believe
and be set free~
The truth- the truth will set you free-the truth- there's more to life than what you see-
the truth-give God all the Glory! Thr TRUTH!


temptaion in the heart of man-
it will rule you if you think it can-
but take another look within-
and realize death is caused by sin-
God gives us all the power to know-
we can overcome evil, all we have to say is "NO!"
it's really hard -but if we struggle
maybe we will see- there's more there
than we'd like to admit-
more than we would like to admit.
"confess one to another" -don't be afraid
don't trust in man's judgement-
it's only God who can save-
do not fear - don't be afraid-
just testify the truth- you never know who could get saved!



Soul blood-
come out and be

soul blood-
come out and see:

the truth-

be at peace-

let me see-

your face.

Soul blood-
washed, be clean.

Soul blood-
Pour out like rain..

Dripping on the floor of eternity-
Floating, singing-Knowing my need-

Soul blood, soul blood soul blood- bleed-
soul blood soul blood -soul of mine- free~

Soul blood-
Be redeemed-

Soul blood-
Abide in Me

Soul Blood-
Tabernacle of three-

Soul Blood- Be Holy.