Friday, May 29, 2009

I Love Love!

There is nothing better than love. Even in the pain and hurt - dissapointmen and strife- if you can find love, then you've found the opens all the doors, it turns every thing around, and makes everything good again. It's a pure bond of virtue. It's the answer every one needs.
i love love!

I just thought about putting a key in a lock... when you put a key in a lock, the lock has to be turned to unlock the door--- it doesnt just slide in and push the door open. You have to turn your hand to make the key do the work. Just like love. You have to love somebody and the love turns things around inside them and opens them up--- and then they let you into their world. Sometimes you might have the wrong key.... sometimes you can't seem to find the key!! But it is there, and love is the key to the haeart.........amen.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

BelievN Yourself

Believe in yourself. Have you ever heard that phrase? It can be broken down in a few ways. One way is to say, Believe: in yourself. Believe- to believe is to have faith or confidence . To believe in yourself could be interpreted as, have faith or confidence in you- in who you are. But that is not what I think it really means. Why? Because we are failures. We are imperfect-driven by what we see on the outside-in the natural-in the flesh-in the world. We can even be driven by our egos-our pride-our fears-our lusts. We can also be driven by doubts- by disbelief-by hatred or unforgiveness or ignorance.
That is why we shouldn't believe in ourselves.
But we should Believe- in Ourselves. We should let faith live in us. We are capable of being something great-yes. But not by our own power -or knowledge or strength or anything, except God. I truly believe this, because I have tried to "be" something. I have tried to "be" someone... I have tried to "prove" my "worth" in ways that are less than worthy... but I thank God that despite my failures and miserable attempts at trying to make myself become "something" - The One Who Believes has unlocked the door way to His eternal perspective and shown me a new reality - a new understanding, and brought me into a greater place with Him.
All things are possible to the one that believes. Yet it is not by strength nor by power but by His Holy Spirit! AM-N!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Thank You

Thank You. That is profound. Giving thanks. When you have recieved, you give thanks in return. It's an exchange of the soul.... it isn't always when you recieve a material neccesity, or a gift... it's when someone helps you, or meets a need... provides for the need... enjoys the moment with you. It's accepting. It's acknowledging the oneness, the unity, the harmony....of life.
I would like to be more thankful. To acknowledge not just my needs being met, or the sacrifice of others'... but the exchanges of lives - to serve the greater cause- to fulfill the purpose- of LoVE.

Monday, May 11, 2009

wisdom, love, and a gift of knowledge.

I was blessed tonight to be able to minister to someone. They were asking prayer to help overcome pride. I think that's a great prayer request. Pride is the first sin I think most people think of or list, when people talk about "the seven deadly sins". It's like poison to a soul... but it can be very difficult to overcome, because it pretends to be "real". Usually what happens to me when I struggle with pride, is I feel insecure- or pressured by another person to be a certain way-or like I can't be allowed to express myself freely- BUT, WE do not have to share in the sins of this world! We Do Not have to bow to this thing that is less than real- less than true- we CAN be free to be loved for who we are-and we don't have to compare ourselves to others in the flesh or in the spirit or in anyway at all, which brings me to another very good thought I want to makek mention of. Unity. Equality. Uniqueness. And the body of Christ. Some people I have known in my life have felt the need to try to please everyone by making everybody "the same".We all equally need love. But we're all unique. We all have different callings, different purposes within the Main Purpose of serving the LORD. No one is better than the other, I guess, is what I am trying to say... ands what does this have to do with pride? Well, I think pride has a lot to do with "being some-one" or "some-thing" or getting looked at for "who you are". Well........pride has everything to do with ego. self. and the desire to be admired- it's a farce. It's a perversion of the TRUTH_ The TRUTH is that PEOPLE NEED LOVE- BUT THEY ALSO NEED TO BE HUMBLE ENOUGH TO RECIEVE LOVE. AND that can be a hard thing to be. Especially when society stares at the flesh-bodies-finances-jobtitles-etc etc etc- and says... oh, they're doing just gfine... loook.... they must be so well off..... well THEY"RE NOT!
Not without JESUS!
What I told the lady who asked for prayer is this... because what she said was when people would try to correct her, she would get offended - her pride would cause her to think "well who are YOU to tell ME that"... We all know how that goes. And what the Lord revealed to me, for one, I commend this lady for seeing this acknowledging this sin in her life and being desperate enough for The Love of God to cleanse her- I told her that's great!
And what the Lord showed me is this ( and I LOVE IT!) :
When a child is corrected by thier parent, chastized, they don't always like it, or even understand it. But in the end, they will see, that the parents only had love for the child- they we're chastening out of thier love for the child, and the desire for the child to know right from wrong, and to be "good".
As the Lord is with us.
We don't always like it when He corrects us, sometimes we don't even understand it- at least sometimes I don't!
But when i look back or when I come to, and see what He was trying to show me, I'm, like, Wow, The Lord really loves me- and I'm thankful that He wants the best for me. It shows me how much He cares.
It's A LOT!
God is SO good!
And He still works miracles!
".....and yet I will show you a better way...."

aftrthought-pride is like a mask-to cover the truth. its an easy escape from the discomfort of humility- but i will tell u from my own walk with God, it is better to learn how to accept humility and grow from that, than to be prideful, and stuck in it. Oh, how I long for the guidance of the LORD- to be revealed-exposed to the truth- and yet accepted and loved and one........that is true beauty...

Friday, May 8, 2009

I am LOnely! Most of my friends are 1. married, 2. single, but happy, 3.either too young, or too old to really care about companionship/marriage/family(???)
I have been praying for years it seems like- yes, I know I'm only 28- but still- I have been praying. I used to always ask God for a husband. Then I started praying for one. This week He told me to ask Him how to be a godly wife. So I did.
One thing He showed me about being a godly wife is that men reqire a lot of love and attention. They don't want a woman that talks to guys everywhere- like some girls do- like... I...... I always justif(ied?) my outwardness and friendlyness by my family/homelife. But- whatever. I was raised by my Dad, brother and grandparents- my grandpa of which isn't direct blood relation to me- maybe it matters, sometimes it doesn't. (b/c growing up with a strange male around -not that he's "strange" just-not-blood-related- might have some sort of impact on a young growing adolescent's psychology......MAYBE). Then to add onto these things I was exposed to a lot of contact to people all around, but let's be honest, what is going to be "more important" "more desired" by a young girl- female attention or male attention???
So... I guess I have a problem.

I want to change me but I can't. Thank God I know Who CAN! JESUS!!!
(help me!!)
submission vs. rebellion
love (patience, kindness, gentleness, meekness, truth, hope, faith...) vs. hate (strife, envy, lust, anger, sloth, greed...)
hope vs. despair
trust vs. doubt
May God overcome Me.
amen.(so be it)

I've been practicing releasing my faith unto the L-RD and letting Him have HIS Way in me (my life). It really works! I think I'm just a bit overwhelmed right now due to family related (sickness) issues, a car that needs repair- Mother's Day (my momma lives far from me)... just to name a few.
Well.... I surrender to My Lord. ~~~~~~~~~~~~selah

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

In the Twinkling of an Eye

If Love is a crime, then I'm in trouble...
Now's not the time to forget what He said..
I talked to the man that I knew would have the answers...
And when He spoke to me He said...
tryings not the answer, child, neither is quick flight-
You must press on into the truth and find the peace within a fight.
He looked at me and waiting for me to see- that what He said was all I needed-
When I realized what just happened as HE spoke to me- I could see myself being changed, in the twinkling of an eye....

Monday, May 4, 2009

Love and Dissapointment

So, the Bible says that men will dissapoint you, (and me), but that God will not let us down. I must believe this, because in my life I so often lift people up and I do esteem them higher than myself, and that is something the Word teaches us to do. Yet, when someone I love sins... whether against me, or not, though it affects me, I choose to look to the Lord for the answers. Sometimes, I think that maybe He lets experience this, so that we will not put confidence in man, or flesh, but in Him. It's one of the hardest things to accept in life, that we are vulnerable to each other- because it opens us up, and also it makes us responsible.
Something to think about...