Friday, July 8, 2011

I guess it's foolish and self righteous of me to feel how I feel about my situation right now.
I am a woman redeemed by God. Before I "met" Jesus and asked him to wash away my sins, I was very much laden with sin, and evil and the filth of the world.
Even after I repented and was clean, I had a few personal relationship based strongholds that lead me away from the Cross.
I never really wanted to be "away" for God, and he always accepted me and loved me still when I came humbly and ashamedly back to him.

Now I am in a situation where I am forced to be put in my own place, so to say.
I am on the other side of the plate. I am not God, but I feel like I am in the place of knowing the Lord and trying to or wanting to live Right, and being opposed to my face by a significant other.
Even in the name of Jesus.

It frustrates me
It angers me
I want to go and leave
I'm torn because I believe God has told me to wait and stay and watch to see what He will do, but my disappointment and anger just grows, as I hope day in and day out, only to get let down again.
It has caused me to question my faith. It has caused me to question myself,... "was I wrong in what I believed of you LORD?"

It has made me so angry inside, that I almost would rather just walk away than try to wait it out and see if God will do a good thing ( that He said - I believe- He would do. )

I don't know how to get over this.
I just don't know what to do.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

It's Your Choice!

So much in life is what we make of it, and I am determined to make my life Great. Why settle for less when you can have the best?! Anytime people are inhibited or held back from living their dreams, it's usually because of their own undealt with shortcomings, attitude problems and unacknowledged sin. Therefore, I say to you and everyone reading, Your life is your own, that you Are responsible and that you are the only one who can choose on which path you will go!
We that have Jesus have the Power of God! And Our God Never Fails~!
Have a Blessed Day !