Monday, June 28, 2010

What’s so difficult about communication?

What’s so difficult about communication?

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Little Things...

Have you ever heard the song by BUSH, "LITTLE THINGS" ? The singer in that song, says over and over "It's the little things that kill". And to connect this to the Word of God in the Bible, there's also verses in Song of Solomon that say, "it's the little foxes that destroy the vines " (with the grapes...)
And so.. it seems ...
But sometimes the little thngs can keep a dream alive. And sometimes it's the little things that make a day go great. And make a happy life.
Think about it... little things.... like the cashier at the store having the two extra pennies you need to have exact change for your purchase. Or, the person in traffic letting you in.... or a smile from a stranger.. (who might be an angel, you never know ;) !
Sometimes the little things can be a little deeper, or if we pray for spiritual revelation, a little more spiritual.
I will give you an example.
I was at Baskin Robbins two days ago, and I was searching the menu trying to decide what to get, and then finally I was like, I will just get ice cream. So I looked at all the different flavors, and the tub of my favourite (mint chocolate chip) was just about empty... just a few chuncky scoops around the bottom of the barrel.
ButI decided to get it anyway (hoping for no freezer burn!)
I have talked to the server there a few times before, and I half-jokingly said, "Just try to fit the rest (of what's in the barrel) into the cup!"
And he looked at the ice cream, looked at the cup and then looked at me.
I laughed and said, ok, just get as much in there as you can, then!
So, he scooped a scoop, and showed it to me, and I said, put a little more in there~ Because there was still room.. he almost hesitated, but I told him, "Give and it shall be given unto you"..
And that is was Jesus said, and it hold true. *~Luke 6:36-38~*
So then when it dawned on him he was going to really try to put the whole rest of the bucket of ice cream into the cup (lol!) but I told him it was enough :)
I like inspiring people to do Jesus' Words. Because they ARE true, and they are GOOD.
And see, the little things can make a good difference too... We need to meditate on the things that are "true, noble, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy"~! ~*Phil 4*~
I think we'll all be happier and more gratfeul and fulfilled, what about you ?
Have a Happy Day~ Do a little thing for someone today for GOOD~!
<3 iangel

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Touched by God-
Feeling – healing-
The depth of my heart –
The smell of a candle and burning wax –
All alone –
in Your Presence, unknown –
Sometimes - we don’t know-
How close, He really is.
The Angel of His Presence – will surround us,
And protect us –
We must believe.
We must receive – love.
God is love.
Why? Why do people hate Jesus?
When He came here – to show us His perfect love?
God sent His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes on Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)
Why don’t people acknowledge, accept, admit the pain they feel – when they sin- when they hurt the God of all creation – that is inside of them?
God is real.
And HE wants you to know that HE loves you-
This is not embarrassing – love is not embarrassing- love is truth – love is power-love is life.

Monday, June 21, 2010


What is the difference between people pleasing, and pleasing God?
How can we please the LORD, and still make everybody else happy at the same time?
We can't !!! No one can! that is why JESUS said, "If you love father, mother, brother, sister or anyone more than me, you are not worthy of me.."
Let's put GOD first!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

~ A Dreamy Poem ~

Seizing my Rendition from the Hands of God -
Please splatter my love all over your brain's walls,
and paint them up to where they won't fall ~
Press the play button and watch the time go by ~ My wandering mind wonders,
"If I had wings would I fly?"
Crystal like complexions on the sky of glass above~
Seeing the moon cry stars is for my one and only Love~
Do you think? Maybe . . . I could be Dreaming ~
and if I am . . I won't stop breathing ~

Dec. 3, 2000

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Use your Brain! And your heart... and your soul.. and your strength!

I get a "daily motivation" each weekday from A New Thing Ministries, and this morning devotion is about our thought life.
We as Believers should be aware (as many who study the Word already are aware) that many our battels and the most fierce of them we have happen in our minds.
So much of our faith life even though "spiritual" is established through our mind.
But they Lord says from the Beginning, that we shall worship Him and Serve Him, with (all) our mind, heart, soul and strength.
We have a brain, we should use it.
What I want to get at in this writing, is in Kim's devotion, she talks about strong holds of the mind. She brings the verse from Proverbs that says "as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he".
She goes on to say that if a negative thought comes to mind, it is easy to deal with by casting down (like the Bible instructs us to), but if the thought goes un prayed on, or if we keep thinking it and keep thinking about it without appying the Word of God to it to either validate it or condemn it, then it will only get worse. and that is how "strong holds" get developed in the mind. Or, on the mind.....
Thoughts are like vines. I think when Jesus said He is the True Vine, it had to do with the fact that not only in He the vine and we the branches but the virtues of Him by God like faith, peace, love, joy, patience and such the like, are like vines. Thoughts are like vines, too.
So, I want to share a little bit of my personal testimony.
and I never really share it often because it isn't something that I am proud of. But after I had been found by Christ, some events took place in my life and I ended up in a place called ACT, which is a government type of rehab/holding place for people who are having problems but aren't neccessarily illegal.
So, I was put there involuntarly, and committed, and diagnosed as in a word, "crazy".
I had to fight tooth and nail and WORD to keep my sanity.
I faced so much adversity, so much accusation, so much isolation, that all I had was God. The only one I could trust was Jesus, for a very very long time.
Even my own family believed satans lies.
And let me tell you, if it weren't for the TRUTH of GOD'S WORD ~ I might still be locked up.
I was perscribed very heavy dosages of anti-psychotic medication for about 4 or 5 years, and if I didn't believe in the healng power of God ALmighty, I might still be on those medications.
If you don't believe me, think about how many people there are who take medicine... they are out there.
All I am trying to say is that with God ALL things ARE possible.
Satan will kick you when you're down. he will spit in your face. he knows where you're weak and he will use it to his advantage to keep you down.
it's his job to keep you from glorifying god. it's his job to see if he can make you curse God, it's his job to see if he can dissuade you from believeing that God loves you.
I have questioned the LORD before. I have cried out to Him... Why god... why if you love me are youlettin this happen to me? And why have you turned everyone against me? even my family?
I don't know except that He wanted me. He wanted me to know that He will be with me in the fire.. He will be with me when no one else is.. He will believe in me when no one else will. He will protect me from and deliver me from all evil.
He can do Anything!

We have to believe, and stop limiting ou lives, or selves and our faith in a Holy God.
I think we limit His love to what our earthly perception of love is... maybe it's conditional, maybe it's sex, maybe it's gifts, but His love is so much more... So supernatural.
So Wonderful.
We need to "renew our minds" in His Word. We should examine yes, our lives, but if we truly want to be "Christian" we should examine Jesus Christ and His ways.. if we really want to be like Him.
I love you people and I hope you see God's limitless love in your lives today.
And I hope you are refreshed and blessed, in Jesus Christ name!

Sunday, June 6, 2010


What will you be doing on judgement day? Who are you thinking will be judging you?
What will you do, if your neighbor judges you?
Will you stop doing what you do?
Whatever that may be?

What if you do the will of God, and people judge you for it?
Will that make you quit?

What if you love and get hated for it?
Will you not love, for personal acceptance?

What if putting God first makes people in your life angry at you? Or call you names? Or tell you that you're wrong? Or tell you that you're crazy?
Will you stop serving God then?
Would you rather make human beings happy and be like them (people pleasing - self-gratifying- respectors of persons) or would you SERVE the LORD no matter what ?
Will you serve the LORD no matter what?
What if it means jepordizing your social status? What if it meant losing your job? what if it meant showing people your true self? what if it meant changing things you don't wanna change about your self and life?

God is not a half-way kindof God.
He is either ALL or NOTHING.
I mean if you're serious about LIVING FOR HIM.

I am speaking to myself in this... there are a few things I need to clean out of MY life to live a life that is WELL PLEASING to HIM.
And I see that now... and I repent.
I will henceforth strive with my righteousness to do what I know pleases my LORD and my GOD~in Jesus CHRIST"S NAME.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Home - National Wildlife Federation

Home - National Wildlife Federation

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Love Changes Things *_has been edited_*

I see something in people's lives (sometimes) that i think we all need to understand and get free from.
I will use myself as an example, though I have tried to be the best I can in these types of situations, I have "felt" the way I am about to write about, though I think (and hope!) I've conquered this prety well...Lord give grace....
And what I want to write about, is not giving to someone for fear of them having something that I do not. AKA fear of loss. Fear of missing out. (envy)
It could be like if you are praying for somebody, and you pray for them but you hold back from actually really believing completely (with them) for thier blessing, because if they get blessed, maybe they will be happier than you, or maybe they will be getting something that maybe you want, too, but since they are asking for it or getting it, you are "upset" or angry about it. And what that comes from is a spirit of ungratefulness, a spirit of competition, of comparision and envy, and ultimatley unbelief. The Bible says in James that the spirit within man lusts to envy. And I think it is because (man, some women too) don't appreciate what they have. And maybe they have appreciated what they have, but then got tired of it, because maybe they were trying to fill a need use something other than god to make themselves have peace or be happy.
But that is God's place, and we have heard that He is a jealous God. Is He not?

If you ask and if you believe, then you will have what you ask for.
It is as simple as that.. Jesus even said it. But then there are things we can ask for that aren't what God wants us to have... but He will give it to us, to show us that is not what He wants us to have. Because, see, He wants us to learn to TRUST HIM. To TRUST HIS judgment(this isn't good for you, this is what I want for you).. because it's a RELATIONSHIP, a REAL relationship with God Almighty.
_edit_ we need to leard to LISTEN to the LORD, and then OBEY Him.... trusting that He has our BEST intrest in mind
So it's gotta be true. (we have to learn to be honest... and question our motives, sometimes, too..."why do i want, this or this?" and is it good for the long run? )

I think people, we have to learn to not judge each other. We have learned how TO judge each other, but we have to unlearn that, and learn how to love people. _We need to start paying attention to what our inner voice is saying. some people reading this would have even said "inner critic" where I said voice. We need to start supporting people we love and even sometimes the unlovable, because it's hard enough in this world to fit in and feel loved for who we are, individually and in community. WE all should appreciate each other_
Every body does things that are wrong sometimes, but should you stop loving them?
No. Keep loving them, because hopefully one day, they will see the results and the evidence of sin in thier lives. And they will have to face the fact that they are responsible (as we aLL are) for our own selves.
The bible says that by God's mercy and grace His people turn from sin. Meaning, we repent because we know He will forgive us... He won't throw us in a lion's den or into a wolf- pack for confessing to Him we make a mistake. In fact, He wants us to come to Him, because He understands, and wants to help us out of our (sinful) ways so that we can lead lives that Honor Him and fulfill our hearts. Because that's the kind of LORD He is... He wants His creation to be happy.
The Major difference in people who have Jesus as thier Savior vs. those who don't, is that believers(in Jesus Christ) have SomeOne they can call on to make things right in thier life.
Maybe you think that is pretentious, and maybe you say, what about people who abuse grace, by saying it's ok to sin because I can just ask Jesus to forgive me and it will be alright.
Forgiveness isn't the point here, because according to the WORD we ARE forgiven, the point is, are you doing the Will of God for YOUR life?
Is what you're doing getting you to where you want to go in life?
Is who you're with helping your life become a Glory to God, or are you hanging around people who bring you down?
Are there things in your life holding you back from who you want to be?
these are questions only you can find the answers to.
And if you come to find that there are things that you wish were different, then you have to accept responsibility for yourself, and make the changes neccessary to have the life you want.
'Cause we only get One. But we do get it, and if we need to change, there is still time. Life may be short, but it ain't over til it's over.
There was a message on a church sign close to where I live that said,
"We must become the change we want to see"
that was said by Mahatma Ghandi, an Indian Peacemaker....
But the statement is true.. instead of looking around judging everybody else, hating them, be a better person... love them, love them anyway, love them for who they are... because love is what people want... and need.
Love is all people really want and need.
And who can they get it from? How can they find it inside?
We have to show them that there is love inside ....
Love comes from the heart.... Love is free.... Love is alive, Love changes things. Big things.... Love changes lives.
Love y'all.
In Jesus' Name.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


I am so thankful for the rain we have been getting that I wanna say "Thank you Jesus!" So, Thank YA JESUS! I Love ya LORD!

I wanna encourage everybody, too, to remember that Jesus tells us to "Be a light" in this dark world. I know it's so easy to get ticked at people- driving, or at the grocery, or in the gov't buildings - anywhere really... But we are called to be PEACEMAKERS and CHILDREN OF THE MOST HIGH ... so, instead of expecting OTHERS to be perfect, let US be perfect and they will see and it (the SPIRIT OF JESUS CHRIST) will "rub off" on them... I BELIEVE!
.... So many people wanna "pray" for this wanna "pray" for that.. Jesus said, "ONLY BELIEVE" Maybe what they really mean, is "help me believe for this, and believe for that" (Lord Jesus help them!)

It doesn't get much simpler than that, My Friends. "Only Believe". Like when we were children and all we did was believe... we didn't say "oh pray for this, pray for that " about every single little thing.. all we had to do was believe... and if we did, we had what we asked... and that is the same principle Jeuss has given us for THIS DAY!

So, My Precious Ones, Be Encouraged to Believe for what God has for you, and do Just THAT, BELIEVE!~

U can do it... I believe in you!