Sunday, October 28, 2012

From the Message @ Church Today

Do I want to let God make me the woman that He wants me to be? Do I want to be "The Woman" He wants me to be?
Yes, yes I do! Thank You for Loving me so much LORD JESUS!
amen ;)

Friday, October 26, 2012

Answers From God

I have come to tell you today, That God can be Found!
I really believe there are people who think that God does not exist, or that He is not real or that for whatever reason He doesn't love them enough to "talk" to them, and that people who believe in His Word are "crazy" for thinking that they actually can hear and understand a Living God.

The Holy Bible says this, "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."
In Jeremiah 29:13

This is God, speaking through the Prophet Jeremiah. Now when I say "speaking through", I mean Jeremiah is "saying for God".

That is what a Prophet does. They speak for God. If your mom tells you to go tell little Timmy to come inside and wash his hands because dinner is ready, and if you know that Momma wont let anyone eat until Little Timmy is sitting down at the dinner table with clean hands and your hungry- What are you going to do? You're going to go outside and tell Little Timmy to get off his bicycle and come inside and get cleaned up, and as quick as he can because you're hungry! You don't want to wait! You are being a prophet for your mom.. a MESSENGER of sorts. A Prophet is a MESSENGER for the LORD.

Now that we have that settled I want to point something out. There are people who tell me, they have never heard the voice of God. They have never read the Bible and had it "say something" to "them".
My opinion here, and I think this is true, is one of four things is going on for this to be happening. Here they are:

1. They think they are inferior to other people. They believe they are not like everybody (or anybody) else. And there fore not "worthy" to hear from God--- Like "other" Christians.

2.They think they are better than everybody else. They think they are superiour, and do not need to hear from God.

3. They are scared of hearing from God.

4. They do not want to hear from God.

Now then. The first two are easy. God created every human being the same as each other. Even if someone is born with a physical or mental "flaw", each individual person comes with a brain, a heart, a soul, a spirit and a body. Every human being has the potential to live, to have purpose and meaning, and ultimately, to love, to know Him. Things like money, social status, appearance(good looking or not good looking), education, are not what make a person valuable in God's Sight.

Now, #3. If you are scared of hearing from God, I would only sggest that you ask anyone else who says they have heard from Him, if He is scary or not... and then go from there. I am sure they will tell you ... He is the Most Loving One you can ever Communicate with!!

#4. Now... This is a big one. The person who does not want to hear from the Lord, already knows the answer. They already have the answers that they might seek. They are usually angry with God, because of something happening not to thier particular desire, and therefore they think God doesn't exsist, because He didn't serve thier wants. These people need to learn the art of acceptance. The art of Grace.

See... no one gets what they want, all the time. In fact, we are called to do HIS will, and NOT our own!
Can someone say "Self- Denial", or in other words, "SELF CONTROL"?
What is "self control" anyway?

It is the ability to control one's self. This does not mean, to just simply avoid temptation,. or to have some magical strength over things like sexual lust, craving for foods or abstaining from alcohol.

It is more like a map and a compass if you will.. or a ship at sea.

You thoughtfully and intelligently make choices instead of being lead by impulses.

Your "self" is more than a body. It is also a mind, a heart, a spirit and a soul.

Now then, One other reason, a person might not be "Hearing" from God, is because they aren't "Seeking Him with ALL their HEART".

This might include fasting, crying, screaming, praying, reading, writing, talking, listening.. Yes listening ....

If you really want to hear Him, you will hear Him. If you still are having trouble, I suggest checking your own self, church, The Cross, and counseling.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Speak Life!

Have you ever said something out loud, and later on, thought, "Why exactly did I say that?"
Me too!
It may not neccessarily come from a place of regret, but coming from a place of self- examination, introspection if you will. Sometimes I will think about things I have said and laugh out loud, if it was truly funny. Sometimes I am proud of what I say and other times hope I said the right thing at all.
What brings me to this blog today, though, is that I recalled a statement I had made to someone that, when I remembered it later thought to myself, "Why on earth did I say that?"
I know it would be more entertaining to be totally candid about what was said and it really wasn't offensive or rude or inappropriate in any way, I am not sharing purely out of embarrasment of feeling silly for saying it...
And the reason I am bringing this incident here today is because I want to ask you my readers (and myself),
Do you really think before you speak?
I know there has to be "thought" to acually verbalize to communicate, I mean, come on now; but are we actively thinking, considering how what we say will be perceived or what our words can and might do to those they are spoken to or who ever else might hear them?

Words have power. And words are formed by our thoughts... and our thought life is motivated by our heart. And while it might seem a challenge and maybe even undesireable to change our hearts about life, and feelings, and thought... sometimes, it is Good. Change can be good, in fact it can be Great!!

So, think about this for a while.. write me a comment if you want. And most of all, think before you speak. What are you trying to do with your words?